
来源 :开心老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q6748799
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往事并不如烟,相反却那么留痕。很多老同志,喜欢回忆过去,总结往事,写一点心得,记一些故闻,整若干旧文,然后成册,自费印成书,赠与亲友做纪念,也算完成了自己一个念想,这是乐事。有一位老者,从自己不多的积蓄中,掏出不菲的钱,将多年自撰的杂章结集,自费出版了一本书。我对这事一直不忍,但毕竟了了老人的一桩心愿,亦可喜可贺。后来,这老同志竟然费尽心思,卖尽老面子,大举炒作,又请人在报章推介,又大张旗鼓策划研讨会,我就不敢 The past is not as good as smoke, but on the contrary, it leaves traces. Many old comrades like to recall the past, sum up the past, write a little bit of experience, remember some of the news, the whole sentence of the old essay, and then publish it as a book at your own expense to make a book and give it to your relatives and friends to commemorate. . There is an old man, from his own savings, took out a lot of money, will be autobiographical collection for many years, published a book at his own expense. I have always been intolerant of this matter, but after all, it has made a wish of the elderly. Later, this old comrade even diligently tried his best to sell the old face, hype, and invited people to promote in the press, but also to organize seminars with great fanfare. I would not dare
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2017年,福建,中山ABB变压器有限公司将为福建福欣特殊钢有限公司(简称福欣钢厂)提供一台155 MVA电炉变压器,为其炼钢生产线的安全、高效和可靠生产保驾护航。这是多年来ABB与
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关于幸福,林语堂曾有妙悟,他说人生幸福,无非四件事:一是睡在自家床上;二是吃父母做的饭菜;三是听爱人讲情话;四是跟孩子做游戏。  如上四条,乍看十分简单,无非就是睡觉、吃饭、谈情、玩耍这些极平常的俗事,大多数人应该都是极易做到的。但仔细一琢磨,要将这四条貌似简单的平常之事,真正“心无旁骛”地落实到一个人点点滴滴的生活中,却绝非那么容易。  一、一个人倘若居无定所抑或寄人篱下,所睡之床便不能冠以“自
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