液晶多媒体技术 展示中的点睛之笔

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人们抱怨越来越忙碌,却还怕短暂的无聊,在等候电梯的寂寞片刻、在公共交通中难熬的20分钟,这些都让我们难以忍受。所以,我们看到无论多么拥挤的地铁,都有人局促地举着报纸,无论多么喧嚣的卖场,都有人耳朵里塞着mp3耳机……但是,这仍然不能使我们满足。无处不在的信息噪音钝化了我们的神经,随着液晶技术的高速发展,新型的广告媒体应运而生。并很快成为广告媒介的后起之秀。液晶广告与多媒体技术结合,将动人的多媒体资讯送到问眼前,让我们每一分钟都能纵情声色! 2003年以来,液晶楼宇多媒体联 People complain more and more busy, but still afraid of brief boredom, wait for a moment of loneliness in the public transport in the tough 20 minutes, which makes us unbearable. Therefore, we see no matter how crowded the subway, there are people holding a newspaper cramped, no matter how loud the store, there are people wearing earplugs mp3 ... But this still can not make us satisfied. The ubiquitous information noise blunts our nerves. With the rapid development of liquid crystal technology, a new type of advertising media has emerged. And soon became a rising star in the advertising media. LCD advertising and multimedia technology combined with the moving multimedia information sent to ask the immediate, so that every one of us indulge in sensual! Since 2003, the LCD Building Multimedia Alliance
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