
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shayneinfo
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目的:调查流动人口孕产妇分娩限价救助标准及效果评价,探索流动人口贫困孕产妇分娩救助方法。为政府制定措施提供依据。方法:采用回顾性病历分析研究方法,抽取北京市城乡结合部三所试点医院分娩的流动人口孕产妇的分娩资料,选择接受基本服务项目并且住院阴道分娩费用≤1000元的275例产妇为研究组,选择同期孕期检查正常、阴道分娩费用>1000元的312例产妇为对照组。对两组孕产妇分娩费用进行分析。结果:分娩数2004年比2003年平均增加80.3%。研究组总费用平均为909.15元,对照组平均为2102.56元。研究组主要费用花在必须利用的医疗服务上。对照组费用增加主要是药费、床位费、治疗费。由于实施本研究规定的正常分娩基本服务项目及收费,三家医院产科及相关科室收入减少。结论:本项目实施的分娩服务项目及费用对贫困流动人口是可行的,对她们的经济负担影响不大,是可接受的。但救助对试点医院存在显著影响,而且医疗风险增加。所以要实现现行救助方式的可持续性,政府应予以医院补贴及政策支持。 Objective: To investigate the standard of salvage price and the effect evaluation of pregnant women in floating population and to explore the methods of delivery and delivery of poor pregnant women in floating population. Provide the basis for the government to formulate measures. Methods: A retrospective chart analysis method was used to collect the delivery data of pregnant women of floating population who were delivered by the three pilot hospitals in urban-rural integration in Beijing. 275 pregnant women who received basic services and whose cost of vaginal delivery was less than 1000 yuan , Select the same period of pregnancy check normal, vaginal delivery costs> 1000 yuan of 312 mothers for the control group. Two groups of maternal delivery costs were analyzed. Results: The number of deliveries increased by an average of 80.3% over 2004 in 2004. The total cost of the research group was 909.15 yuan on average, while that of the control group was 2102.56 yuan on average. The main cost of the study group is spent on the medical services that must be used. The control group increased the cost of drugs, bed fees, treatment costs. As a result of the implementation of the basic services and charges for normal labor as stipulated in this study, the revenue of maternity and related departments in the three hospitals decreased. Conclusion: The delivery services and costs of delivery services implemented in this project are feasible for impoverished migrants and have little effect on their financial burdens. It is acceptable. However, relief has a significant impact on the pilot hospitals, and the medical risks increase. Therefore, in order to realize the sustainability of the current aid method, the government should provide hospital subsidies and policy support.
The peritoneal stromal tissue which provides a rich source of growth factors and chemokines is a favorable environment for tumor proliferation. The pathophysiol