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讨论了正交相位跃变光栅的光学特性,以及由它经圆孔或十字形狭缝所获得傅氏变换的希尔伯特变换图像的特性. 更多还原
The numerical moire method with sensitivity as high as 0.03 nm has been presented. A quantitative displacement and strain analysis program has been proposed by using this method. It is applied to an edge dislocation and a stacking fault in aluminum. The m
A microcavity laser based on evanescent-wave-coupled gain is formed using a silica fiber with a diameter of 125 μm in a rhodamine 6G ethanol solution. When the fiber is sticking to the cuvette wall by capillary force, using the excitation of a 532 nm nano
A 4:1 (volume ratio) methanol–ethanol (ME) mixture and silicone oil are two of the most widely used liquid pressure-transmitting media (PTM) in high-pressure studies. Their hydrostatic limits have been extensively studied using various methods; however, t
The equivalent four-pole network model is used to simulate one-dimension longitudinal acoustic resonator with different buffer diameters and lengths, aiming to reach a theoretic model which is able to estimate the optimal buffer geometry. In experiments,
设计并制作了一种硅雪崩光电二极管(APD)四象限探测器芯片, 基于该芯片研制了一款新型高灵敏度制冷型APD四象限探测器组件; 创新性地将探测器芯片、热电制冷器、前置放大电路和增益控制模块集成在带光窗的金属外壳中; 该组件制冷加热速度快, 在-45~70℃环境温度内可使器件恒定工作在10±2℃。测试结果表明, 相对于传统的PIN四象限探测器组件, 由于APD探测器本身能产生雪崩增益, 该组件的灵敏度提高了近两个数量级, 作用距离更远。
应用光电阴极探测灵敏度为0.5 cps/mm2的超高灵敏度的光电成像系统,获得了绿豆芽和活体昆明鼠的超微弱生物发光图像,并用统计理论研究了极弱光强条件下光子图像的信号检验问题。文中在信号和噪声均为泊松分布的条件下,分析了从光子噪声中检验是否有信号的判据以及影响到检验的5个因素对检验结论的影响。以此判据成功地检验到实验获得的昆明鼠发光光子图像中的信号。
We demonstrate a narrowband optical filter which operates on the 52S1/2 to 52P3/2 transition at 780 nm in rubidium vapor based on optical-pumping-induced dichroism combined with Faraday anomalous dispersion effects. Its peak transmission is 18.4(2)% at th
We demonstrate a series of experiments on imaging through both stationary aberrating media and moving aberrating media by computational ghost imaging (CGI). An incoherent LED light source is used instead of the common pseudothermal light source (laser lig