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韶关工艺品进出口公司于80年代第一春作为省工艺下属的一个单位单独成立,日常业务就是为省公司收购调拨进出口物资,5年后取得了进出口权,由1985年试着出口3万多美元,发展到至今年出口额近400万美元。他们连年超额完成国家下达的任务,近年还同外商合资兴办了两间木制品厂,一个印刷包装公司,在工贸结合,多元化经营的道路上阔步前进。“独撑门面”还不满10年,取得的成绩是喜人的。它又曾做为三个试点行业之一,首先接受了外贸体制改革的洗礼,在市场经济的大海上,较早地锻造了一双搏击风浪的翅膀。在拼搏中奋起,充满了勃勃生机。他们走过的道路是不平凡的,具有启示性,用领导的话说,就是着重从三个方面打基础,下功夫: Shaoguan Arts & Crafts Import & Export Company was established as a unit of the provincial craftsmanship in the first spring of the 80’s. The daily business is to allocate import and export materials for the acquisition of provincial companies. After 5 years, it obtained import and export rights. From 1985, it tried to export 30,000 yuan. More than US dollars, developed to nearly 4 million US dollars in exports this year. Over the years, they had exceeded their national tasks. In recent years, they also jointly established two wood products factories and a printing and packaging company jointly with foreign companies. They have made strides in the integration of industry and trade and diversification. “Understanding the facade” is less than 10 years old and the achievements are gratifying. It was once one of the three pilot industries. It first accepted the reform of foreign trade system reform, and forged a pair of wings to fight against the storm in the sea of ​​market economy. Rising in the struggle, full of vitality. The path they have taken is extraordinary and revealing. In the words of the leaders, it is focused on laying the foundations in three areas and working hard:
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China’s year—end foreign trade volumewill surpass the originally forecast goalof USD200 billion as foreign exchange re-form takes root,a senior economistsays