
来源 :抗癌之窗 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huiflash
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河南省林县是我国乃至世界上食管癌发病率最高的地区之一。上个世纪60年代初,根据周总理指示,中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所肿瘤医院的医务工作者就开始致力于林县食管癌的防治研究工作,坚持至今,取得了丰硕的研究成果。林县食管癌的综合防治工作始终采取了领导、专家、群众相结合;现场、实验室、临床相结合;早诊、早治、预防相结合;中西医相结合,从现场实际情况出发为基本工作方法,开展了广泛的研究和防治工作,走出了一条符合我国特色的肿瘤预防控制之路。食管癌高发现场综合防治研究被评为1995年全国十大科技成果之一。在多年坚持不懈的科学防治下,当地食管癌发病率、死亡率明显下降,从另一个侧面反映了癌症综合防治的良好效果。 Lin County, Henan Province is one of the regions with the highest incidence of esophageal cancer in China and even in the world. In the early 60s of the last century, according to the instructions of Premier Zhou, the medical workers of the Cancer Hospital of the Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences began to devote themselves to the prevention and treatment of esophageal cancer in Lin County. Since then, they have achieved fruitful research results. The comprehensive prevention and treatment of esophageal cancer in Lin County has always been combined by leaders, experts, and the masses; the combination of on-site, laboratory, and clinical care; the combination of early diagnosis, early treatment, and prevention; the integration of Chinese and Western medicine, starting from the actual situation at the scene as the basic Work methods, carried out extensive research and prevention and control work, and developed a road for cancer prevention and control in line with China’s characteristics. The research on comprehensive prevention and treatment of high-level esophageal cancer was named one of the top ten scientific and technological achievements in the country in 1995. With years of unremitting scientific prevention and control, the incidence and mortality of local esophageal cancer have decreased significantly, reflecting the good effect of comprehensive cancer prevention from another perspective.
你知道吗,臭虫、蝇卵、蚂蚁竟是一些国家的上等名菜哩.在墨西哥城就有好几家餐馆供应用龙舌兰蠕虫等各类昆虫烹制的菜肴,而且生意十分兴隆.每当昆虫到货, Did you know tha