Ore-placer shows of platinum group elements in the areal of North-Asian Superplume derivations(South

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangtang4211
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The sources of large and unique platinum-metal placers were the zonal alkali-ultrabasic massifs becoming active in the Cretaceous time that gravitated to the periphery of the areal of the North-Asian Superplume (NAS) influence. Origin of the conditions favorable for the formation of the placer platinum presence in the region is governed by the plume ore-generating magmatism of several generations (in Proterozoic and Phanerozoic). Ultramafite-mafite magmatism was responsible for the origin of the stratified zonal massifs subjected in the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic to the action of granitogene derivations of the NAS. The latter provided the development of the ore-forming magmagene-fluid-metasomatic processes and favorable conditions for the platinum group elements concentration.
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<正> 《社会学研究》编辑部于1991年11月6日邀集在京的社会学界科研、教学及有关部门的专家、学者、社会工作者近30人,召开了题为“中国社会学百年回顾与展望”座谈会。《社会学研究》主编张琢首先说明了召开会议的主旨。他说:康有为在万木草堂开讲“群学”到今年已经一个世纪了,中国的这一百年可谓激荡的一百年。从康有为讲学以后就发生了“戊戌变法”,接着是“义和团运动”,清朝的“新政”,再接着“辛亥革命”“五四运动”“北伐战争”,然后是二次国内战争,抗日战争,解放战争,新中国成立。新中国成立以后,经历