
来源 :化工学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruhua529
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s The synthesis process of a biomimetic membrane directed by macromolecule(CTAB) assemblies was researched by using hydrolysis reaction of tetraethylorthosilicate. Influences of CTAB assembly configuration,pH values,initial concentrations of CTAB were investigated on the biomimetic membrane through characterizing techniques such as SEM and TEM.Integral and resilient freestanding membranes were synthesized under the optimized biomimetic operation conditions. These research results are essential to synthesise of high performance separation membranes through biomimetic methods. s The synthesis process of a biomimetic membrane directed by macromolecule (CTAB) assemblies was researched by using hydrolysis reaction of tetraethylorthosilicate. Influences of CTAB assembly configuration, pH values, initial concentrations of CTAB were investigated on the biomimetic membrane through characterizing techniques such as SEM and TEM.Integral and resilient freestanding membranes were synthesized under the optimized biomimetic operation conditions. These research results are essential to synthesise of high performance separation membranes through biomimetic methods.
《农业工程学报》是由中国农业工程学会主办的全国性学术期刊。系中文核心期刊 ,被 EIpage one等多家国内外权威或著名检索机构收录 ,作者分布覆盖全国 85 %地区 ,也有国外学
Objective: To investigate the effect ofYangjing Decoction (YJD, a Chinese prescription of replenishing Kidney essence) in promoting follicular growth and its in
(一) 党的“十四大”报告把建立社会主义市场经济作为我国经济体制改革的目标和核心问题确立下来,这是我党对社会主义现代化建设客观规律认识的新飞跃,是曲折历史经验的科学
对香草酊进行了皮肤急性毒性试验,皮肤刺激试验及皮肤过敏试验,结果未见毒性反应,对皮肤无刺激性,无过敏性。 Acute skin toxicity test, skin irritation test, and skin aller
说到作业,对于我们学生来说那是家常便饭。而就在这“家常便饭”的“烹饪”中,很多趣事、囧事也应运而生。下面我和大家来分享一件我的有关作业的囧事,大家权当趣事乐一乐。  记得有一次正是晌午,妈妈在厨房张罗一家人的午饭,而我在我的小书斋里全神贯注地写作文,妈妈突然大声喊道:“儿子!儿子!家里没有味精了,快去帮妈妈买点味精回来,妈妈煲汤走不开!”我想都没想就答道:“知道了!”我怕打断自己写作文的思路,就匆