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200年7月31日重庆国画院成立二十周年系列活动之一的“重振真善美的审美理想美术研讨会”在山城召开,会议由重庆市美协副主席、重庆国画院常务副院长周顺恺主持,重庆国画院名誉院长马振声(专程从成都赶来)、重庆市美协副主席钟纪明、谢关键,重庆国画院副院长王世明、吴善志、张春新等26位画家参加了会议。共十七位画家发言(其中三位书面发言)。会议回顾了画院二十年来坚持党的文艺方针、坚持一手伸向传统、一手伸向生活的创作历程,画院画家在研究前辈艺术家艺术成果的基础上不断探索,创作了一大批在全国产生影响的作品,出现了以冯建吴、晏济元为代表的山水画,以苏葆桢为代表的花乌画和以马振声为代表的人物画画家群。会议重点研究和讨论了《美术》杂志2001年第7期王仲关于“重振人类艺术追求真善美统一的伟大审美理想”的文章,画家们认为这篇文章体现了江泽民总书记关于“代表中国先进文化的前进方向“的重要思想,内容涵盖了美术领域的方方面面,针对性和说理性都很强,是对我国美术事业、美术创作和美术研究在新世纪的健康发展有指导意义。马振声说,这篇文章观点正确,旗帜鲜明,很响亮,很有说服力,说出了我们在中国画领域实践者多年想说的话,读起来很亲切。钟纪明说,现在是我国艺术事业最活跃,美术家活动? On July 31, 2007, the 20th anniversary of the founding of Chongqing Traditional Chinese Painting Institute was one of the activities of “Aesthetic Ideal Art to Revive the True, the Good, and the Beautiful” held in the city of Shancheng. The meeting was attended by Zhou Shunkai, vice chairman of Chongqing Academy of Fine Arts and executive vice president of Chongqing Traditional Chinese Painting Academy In charge of the exhibition, Ma Zhensheng, honorary president of Chongqing Traditional Chinese Painting Academy, made a special trip to Chengdu. Zhong Jiaming, Xie Guanyin, vice chairmen of Chongqing Academy of Fine Arts, and 26 artists such as Wang Shiming, Wu Shanzhi and Zhang Chunxin, vice presidents of Chongqing Traditional Chinese Painting Academy participated in the conference. A total of 17 artists spoke (three of them made a written statement). The conference reviewed the painter’s adherence to the party’s art and literature policy in the past 20 years and his creative journey of extending one hand to the tradition and one hand to life. Based on the study of the artistic achievements of the predecessors, the painter of the Academy of Art continued to explore and created a large number of influential His works include the landscape paintings represented by Feng Jian Wu and Yan Ji Yuan, the Hua Wu paintings represented by Su Baozhen and the figure painters represented by Ma Zhen Sheng. The conference focused on the study and discussion of Wang Zhong’s article on “Revitalizing Human Art in Pursuing the Great Aesthetic Ideal of Reciprocity,” painters think this article reflects General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s speech on “Representing China’s Advanced Cultural direction ”. The content covers all aspects of the art field. It is highly targeted and rational. It is of guiding significance to the healthy development of fine arts, fine art and fine arts in the new century in our country. Ma Zhensheng said that this article is correct, clear-cut, very loud and very persuasive. It tells us the words that we practice for many years in the field of Chinese painting and would like to read it very cordially. Zhong Ji-ming said: Now is the most active art career in our country. Artists’ activities?
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