
来源 :解放军生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoqiongfang
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探亲休假回家是关系官兵切身利益的一件大事,对于很多官兵来说,这也是一年中唯一一次与家人团聚的机会。然而,每到这个时候,购票难又是我们所有官兵不得不面对的一个问题。近日,笔者所在单位的一位老班长就碰到这样一个情况,这位准备回家相亲的班长报请休假,所在连连长很体恤他,在口头上允准了,但还得等拿到休假审批单的那天才能批假离队。部队规定批假后方能离队,这无可厚非,这位班长也自觉遵守,但又实 Going home on vacation is a major event that has an immediate bearing on the vital interests of officers and men. For many officers and men, this is also the only chance to reunite with their families during the year. However, at this time of year, ticket buying is another issue that all of our officers and men have to face. Recently, the author’s unit of an old squadron encountered such a situation, the squad leader preparing to go home blind date, where the company commander is very sympathetic to him, verbally allowed, but have to wait for leave to approve a single The day can leave the team approved leave. It is understandable that the troops should leave the team only after the leave of absence was approved. The squad leader also abided by it,
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