Adenoviral-mediated Hath1-EGFP gene transfer into guinea pig cochlea through intact round window mem
【出 处】
Objective: To introduce a safe and specific approachof 13C magnetic resonance spectrum (13C MRS )spectroscopy and investigate the alterations in hepaticanabolis
For many years, studies about the cochlea have been mainly focused on sensory cells, i.e. the inner hair cell (IHC) and outer hair cell (OHC), and the neuron sy
Construction of recombinant adenoviral vector Ad- CMV-hTGFβ1 for reversion of intervertebral disc de
Objective: To provide a highly efficient adenoviralvector Ad-CMV-hTGFβ1 for the study of gene therapy forreversion of the intervertebral disc degeneration.Meth
Cerebral atrophy is one of the serious sequelae ofsevere head injury. 1 Neuropathologicalinvestigation has revealed that cerebral atrophy iscaused by either di