深化教研改革 提升咨政能力 努力开创党校工作新局面

来源 :中共马鞍山市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Adisc
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按照中央和省市委的要求,我校上下认真学习党的十八届三中全会精神和习近平总书记系列重要讲话,深入贯彻全面深化改革的决定,更加清醒地认识到,党校在大规模培训领导干部、大幅度提高领导干部素质中担负的重要职责,在新的改革形势下,党校更应当率先垂范,切实消除“旁观者”思想和“局外人”心理,真正把工作放到党和国家工作大局中去认识、去把握、去部署、去推进,增强办好党校的责任感和使命感,坚持实事求是、与时俱进,始终把解放思想、改革创新作为党校事 In accordance with the requirements of the Central Government, Provincial Party Committee and Municipal Party Committee, our school earnestly studied the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and thoroughly implemented the decision of deepening the reform in all aspects. We realized more clearly that the Party schools are leading large-scale training In the new reform situation, Party schools should take the lead in setting examples and effectively eliminate the mentality of “bystander” and “outsider”, and truly put the work in the party We should understand, grasp, deploy, promote and enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the party school. We should adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts and keep pace with the times. We must always regard emancipating the mind and reforming and innovating as the foundation of the party school
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