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语文,是一门政治性和思想性较强的学科,充分发挥语文课这一特点,对学生进行思想教育,是语文教学的目的之一。中华民族历来有艰苦朴素的优良传统,它是我们这个具有五千年历史的文明古国的一份宝贵的精神财富。教育青年学生继承并发扬艰苦朴素、艰苦奋斗的精神,自觉地把自己锻炼成为不怕吃苦、坚韧不拔的社会主义事业接班人,是非常必要的。中学语文教学大纲指出:思想教育必须根据语文特点,渗透在教学过程中,起到潜移默化的作用。我在语文课中是这样做的。一、结合讲读课对学生进行艰苦朴素的教育。如讲《送东阳马生序》,我首先引导学生朗读课文的第一段,接着提出如下思考题,进一步 Language is a political and ideological discipline. Giving full play to the characteristics of language classes and ideological education for students is one of the aims of language teaching. The Chinese nation has always had a fine tradition of hardship and plainness. It is a valuable spiritual asset of our ancient civilization with a history of 5,000 years. It is very necessary to educate young students to inherit and carry forward the spirit of hardships, plainness and hard work and consciously train themselves as successors to the socialist cause who are not afraid of hardship and perseverance. The Chinese syllabus for middle schools states that ideological education must permeate the teaching process according to the characteristics of Chinese language and play a subtle role. I did this in language classes. First, combine hard-working and simple education with students in classes. For example, “Send Dongyang Ma Shengxiu”, I first guide students to read the first paragraph of the text, and then put forward the following questions, further
1984年6月27~29日,K_(18)型煤炭漏斗车部级鉴定会在淮南发电厂召开。参加会议的有水电、煤 From June 27 to June 29, 1984, K_ (18) coal hopper car ministry appraisal m
铁道工程委员会第二届第一次会议于1983年7月17~19日在北京召开。会议推选蒋才兴同志为主任委员,沈之介等八位同志为副主任委员。 在这次会议上,线路设计学组在汇报中谈到:铁
Bacterial community presumably plays an essential role in inhibiting pathogen colonization and maintaining the health of scallop larvae, but limiting data are a