Y-shaped beam splitter by graded structure design in a photonic crystal

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:minghao1122
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We propose a method to bend a self-collimated beam in a photonic crystal. The beam bending relies on the gradual variation of the constitutive parameters of the photonic crystal. A new Y-shaped beam splitter is designed with a composite structure constructed using two graded photonic crystals. We demonstrate that the incident beam is divided into two output beams by the designed splitter. The power ratio of the two beams can be adjusted easily by changing the location of the input beam. We propose a method to bend a self-collimated beam in a photonic crystal. The beam bending relies on the gradual variation of the constitutive parameters of the photonic crystal. A new Y-shaped beam splitter is designed with a composite structure constructed using two graded photonic crystals. We demonstrate that the incident beam is divided into two output beams by the designed splitter. The power ratio of the two beams can be adjusted easily by changing the location of the input beam.
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