民警自卫过度被判死刑 万名群众签名保其性命——泸定“6.18”案的调查与思考

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1998年6月18日,四川省甘孜州沪定县得妥乡派出所民警赵林被一伙村民堵在派出所内残酷殴打。赵林忍无可忍开枪自卫义愤杀人,击毙9人,击伤1人(后也死亡),案发后投案自首。8月3日,甘孜州中级人民法院公开审理此案,赵林被一审判处死刑,剥夺政治权利终生。审判当日,千名群众在外旁听。当高音喇叭里传出审判结果时,许多群众当场恸哭失声。从第2天开始。康定、沪定一万多名群众自发签名要求保全赵林性命。事件的起因极其简单而背景却十分复杂。6月17日下午,在得妥乡场上开杂货店的姜兰,见到该乡联合村村民杨树兵路过,遂向他索要欠了5年多的赊货款690多元。杨树兵不给,由此引起纷争,到派出所找民警赵林调解,后达成欠账人认账打欠条,次日归还欠款的协议。杨树兵回家后将此事告诉了父亲杨怀富和母亲王万英,并加油添醋地谎称民警赵林打了他。以“族长”自居和以“母老虎”著称的杨树兵父母听后即跳,连夜召集儿女亲戚一大帮20人,聚众商议“讨伐”赵林,扬言 On June 18, 1998, Zhao Lin, a police officer from the Huding County Police Station in Huding County, Ganzi Prefecture, was apprehended with brutal beatings by a group of villagers in the police station. Zhao Lin intolerable guilty of firing self-defense, killed 9 people, wounded 1 (also died), surrendered after the incident. On August 3, the Intermediate People’s Court of Ganzi Prefecture publicly heard the case. Zhao Lin was sentenced to death in the first instance and deprived of his political rights for a lifetime. On the trial day, a thousand people were listening outside. When the trial results were heard in the tweeter, many people were crying out loud on the spot. From the second day. Kangding, Shanghai set more than 10,000 people spontaneously signed the request for the preservation of Zhao Lin’s life. The cause of the incident is extremely simple and the background is very complicated. On the afternoon of June 17, Jiang Lan, who opened a grocery store in the well-to-do farm, saw the passing of Yang Shubing, a villager in the village of Lianxiang, and claimed that he had owed more than 690 yuan of credit for more than five years. Yang Shu-bing not to give rise to disputes, to the police station to find police Zhaolin mediation, afterwards reached a debt default account to fight IOU, the next day to return the debt agreement. After Yang Shu-bing returned home, he told his father Yang Huai-fu and his mother Wang Wan-ying and furtively claimed that the police Zhao Lin beat him. Yang Shu-bing, who is known as the “chief” and known as the “Tigress”, immediately after hearing the call, convened a large group of 20 children and relatives in the night to discuss with the public and discuss the issue with Zhao Lin, threatening
星星阿姐:我的父母开麻将馆,没时间管我。他们要是赢了钱,对我既关心又会顺着我的意;输了钱,烦了就骂,急了就揍。因学习差、表现差,我几乎天天被老师叫到 Star sister: My p
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