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本年全省春耕生产运动已取得了初步的胜利,这是由于以毛主席为首的中国共产党及各级人民政府的正确领导;由于各地干部的艰苦工作,和全体农民群众的努力,尤其是土改地区的广大农民发挥高度的生产热情的结果。在复堤工作方面,据十八个县、市的统计,共完成土方二三、二九四、八四八公方,超过预计百分之一百二十二点九,据南昌、九江、上饶、袁州、吉安、宁都等六分区的不完全统计,共修补小型水利九万九千四百五个一个,新建的九千一百五十一个,共受益农田三百三十九万九千五百八十七亩;赣州、抚州、浮梁亦均完成任务;全省共超过原计划百分之一百二十,其中以南昌专区成绩最为突出,超过原任务百分之二百八十。在春耕施肥方面,全省绝大部分地区作到了三三耙,个别的达到四四耙,如南昌分区三三耙占耕地面积百分之七十七点五,全区增加双季稻三万三千余亩;不少地区施肥量亦较去年增加。关于植树、植棉等,各地亦均取得了显著成绩。 This year, the province’s spring grass production campaign has achieved initial victory due to the correct leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the people’s government at all levels under the leadership of Chairman Mao. Thanks to the hard work of cadres everywhere and the efforts of all the peasant masses, especially the land reform The vast majority of peasants in the region have exerted a high degree of enthusiasm for production as a result. In terms of the work of the dike, according to the statistics of 18 counties and cities, a total of 23,249 and 848 earthworks were completed, more than the expected figure of 122.9%. According to statistics of Nanchang, Jiujiang, Shangrao, Yuanzhou, Ji’an, Ningdu and other six sub-regions of the incomplete statistics, a total of ninety-nine thousand four hundred and five thousand small-scale water conservancy repair, a new 9,115, a total of 3.39 million farmland benefit Nine thousand five hundred and eighty-seven acres; Ganzhou, Fuzhou, floating beam also completed the task; the province a total of more than 120% of the original plan, of which Nanchang area the most outstanding achievements, more than 280% . In terms of spring plowing and fertilizing, most of the province has made three or three harrows and some have reached four or four harrows. For example, the three and three harrows in Nanchang Sub-district occupy 77.5% of the total cultivated land, Three thousand acres; fertilizer application in many areas also increased over last year. On tree planting, cotton planting, etc., have also made remarkable achievements all over the country.
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