More Expectations

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  The year 2014 is crucial for China to implement the projects of its 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15). It is also the year the country will push forward its comprehensive and deepened reforms. As a result, higher-than-average expectations have been pinned on this year’s “two sessions”—annual plenary sessions of the National People’s Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Reform, anti-corruption, stabilizing the economy and cracking down on pollution are all topics of public concern.
  The past year was the first year in power for the current Central Government. It seems that the new government has won large amounts of praise from the public. The furthering of the reform throughout 2014 will touch on deeply rooted conflicts and is likely to encounter more obstacles. We believe the new leadership will show their courage and wisdom to cope with these problems. Of the 60 items for reform in 15 areas, which were put forward last year, at least 23 items have seen relevant measures or detailed agendas on how to conduct reforms. Many of the measures have also dealt with vested interests, such as the policy to streamline administration and delegate power to lower levels. In 2014, progress is expected to be made in more areas, such as the reform on income distribution and state-owned enterprises. The work on comprehensively deepening China’s reform is moving forward on schedule.
  The stability of the country’s economic growth is expected to remain unchanged, which has boosted the confidence of decision makers. However, in order to accelerate the transition and upgrading of the country’s economic structure, China has slowed down its economic growth slightly. In spite of this, its economic growth rate is still quite high among the five top economies in the world. China is now at a point where it has many strategic opportunities and there is plenty of room for further development in its new type of industrialization and urbanization. These have laid a solid foundation for the country’s medium- and high-speed economic development for a certain period of time. The key to China’s economic development lies in the building of a new type of economic system and the promotion of opening up. Against the backdrop of global economic recovery, the Chinese economy is closely linked to the global economy and thus a mutually beneficial development mode will play a positive role in maintaining China’s steady economic growth.
  Of course, China is still faced with complex situations this year, and various problems may arise. This year’s “two sessions” is surely an important event in China’s implementation of its decisions on comprehensively deepened reforms. We hope that the upcoming “two sessions”will be a great success! n
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摘 要: 数学基础教育是一种社会文化现象,其社会性决定了数学教育要与时俱进,不断创新。数学教育中的教育目标、教育内容、教育技术等一系列问题都会随着社会的进步而不断变革与发展。而传统的应试教育根深蒂固,这使得现在的数学课堂过于放大教师在教学中的主体作用,忽视了学生的主体地位。本文针对甘南藏区数学基础教育的现状进行分析及谈谈策略。  关键词: 甘南藏区 数学基础教育 教学策略  甘南藏区地处甘、青、川
【摘要】当前大学毕业生的核心竞争力的培育与提升是一个需要个人、高校、政府、社会共同参与和谋划的系统工程,只有充分调动各方因素,才能为毕业生开启一条畅通的就业门路。  【关键词】拓宽;毕业生;就业门路;核心竞争力    随着改革的进一步深入和社会经济的飞速发展,社会在为大学生提供广阔就业天地的同时,也使毕业生就业压力与日俱增。获得衬心如意的工作是每个毕业生的追求,使培养的人才有岗位发挥能量是每所高校