Study on intracellular trafficking of Mac-1 by direct visualization

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cherrydarling
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Previously, we constructed DNA vectors containing cDNA of Mac-1 subunits (CD11b or CD18b) fused with fluorescence protein (FP). cDNA fragments and the DNA constructs were then transfected into CHO cells (as CHO-Mac-1-FP). The structure and function of Mac-1-FP obtained from the CHO-Mac-1-FP cells are nearly identical to that expressed in wild type leuko- cytes. In the present study, the intracellular trafficking of Mac-1 was visualized directly by moni- toring the fluorescent intensities of YFP-CD18 and PE-conjugated monoclonal antibody against CD11b under a confocal microscope in CHO-Mac-1-FP cells. The results indicate that: (ⅰ) al- though Mac-1 was not detected in the cell membrane at resting state, it had been translocated and clustered into the cell membrane by 1 h and internalized 2 h after PMA stimulation, at which point the fluorescence intensity began to diminish gradually, probably due to partial degradation of Mac-1. The fluorescence of CD18 and CD11b reappeared on the cell membrane 1 h after re-treatment with PMA, suggesting the recycling of non-degraded Mac-1. (ⅱ) The adhesion rate of CHO-Mac-1-FP to magnetic beads coupled ICAM-1 increased within 4 h after their initial in- teraction, accompanied by the clustering of Mac-1-FP. After 8 h,the adhesion rate declined and fluorescence also decreased simultaneously. The pattern of change in fluorescence in CHO-Mac-1-FP cells elicited by ICAM-1 beads was similar to that elicited by PMA, suggesting that endocytosis and degradation of Mac-1 occurred after the interaction with ICAM-1. Thus, we conclude that the intracellular trafficking of Mac-1 after activation is associated with membrane translocation, endocytosis, degradation and recycling. These changes are in parallel with the adhesion of CHO-Mac-1-FP cells with ICAM-1, and may be involved in the adhesion and de- tachment of leukocytes. The detachment of leukocytes may be caused by endocytosis of Mac-1. Previously, we constructed DNA vectors containing cDNA of Mac-1 subunits (CD11b or CD18b) fused with fluorescence protein (FP). CDNA fragments and the DNA constructs were then transfected into CHO cells (as CHO-Mac- 1-FP) Structure and function of Mac-1-FP obtained from the CHO-Mac-1-FP cells are nearly identical to that expressed in wild type leukemia. In the present study, the intracellular trafficking of Mac-1 was visualized directly by moni - toring the Fluorescent Intensities of YFP-CD18 and PE-conjugated monoclonal antibody against CD11b under a confocal microscope in CHO-Mac-1-FP cells. The results indicate that: (i) al- though Mac-1 was not detected in the cell membrane at resting state, it had been translocated and clustered into the cell membrane by 1 h and internalized 2 h after PMA stimulation, at which point the fluorescence intensity began to diminish gradually, probably due to partial degradation of Mac-1. The fluorescence of CD18 and CD11b reappeared on the cell membrane 1 h after re-treatment with PMA, suggesting the recycling of non-degraded Mac-1. (ii) The adhesion rate of CHO-Mac-1-FP to magnetic beads coupled ICAM-1 increased within 4 h after their initial in- teraction, accompanied by the clustering of Mac-1-FP. After 8 h, the adhesion rate declined and fluorescence also decreased simultaneously. The pattern of change in fluorescence in CHO-Mac-1-FP cells elicited by ICAM- Suggesting that endocytosis and degradation of Mac-1 occurred after the interaction with ICAM-1. Thus, we conclude that the intracellular trafficking of Mac-1 after activation is associated with membrane translocation, endocytosis, degradation and recycling. These changes are in parallel with the adhesion of CHO-Mac-1-FP cells with ICAM-1, and may be involved in the adhesion and de- tachment of leukocytes. The detachment of leukocytes may be caused by endocytosis of Mac-1.
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[锁定考点]  1.理解诗词的内容,把握诗词表达的情感;2.理解重点字词的含义、表达效果;3.赏析重点句子;4.理解诗词的表达技巧。  [新题演练]  一、杜甫《春望》鉴赏  国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别乌惊心。  烽火连三月.家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。  1.解释下列诗句中加点的词语。  (1)城春草木深__(2)家书抵万金__  2.从诗的题目中可以得到哪些信息?  3.
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