Visible light communication based on space-division multiple access optical beamforming

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aqwww8
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We propose and demonstrate a visible light communication(VLC) scheme based on space-division multiple access(SDMA) optical beamforming to accommodate multiple user devices in the VLC based on optical beamforming. SDMA optical beamforming is a technique which separates light-emitting diode light spatially and focuses each part on different target devices simultaneously. We show the experimental results of the VLC signal amplitudes, the optical power densities, and the bit-error rate performance as a function of transmission distance before and after the SDMA optical beamforming. The results show that the VLC signal amplitudes and optical power densities are improved by 8–2 and 3.8–5 d B, respectively, with the help of SDMA optical beamforming. We propose and demonstrate a visible light communication (VLC) scheme based on space-division multiple access (SDMA) optical beamforming to accommodate multiple user devices in the VLC based on optical beamforming. SDMA optical beamforming is a technique which separates light-emitting diode light We show the experimental results of the VLC signal amplitudes, the optical power densities, and the bit-error rate performance as a function of transmission distance before and after the SDMA optical beamforming. The results show that the VLC signal amplitudes and optical power densities are improved by 8-2 and 3.8-5 d B, respectively, with the help of SDMA optical beamforming.
  In order to characterize the aerosol optical properties during different pollution episodes that occurred in Beijing, the aerosol loading, scattering, and s
[摘要] 改革开放以来,中国社会经济发生了前所未有的巨大变化,不仅改变了人们的生产、生活方式,而且对人们的思想观念和价值判断也产生了深刻的影响。虽然我国长期以来形成的城乡“二元”经济社会结构和比较严格的户籍制度严重束缚了人口流动,成为人口流动的双重壁垒,但自改革开放以来,改善生活环境的强烈愿望与对城市生活的美好向往已成为人口流动强大的力量源泉,农村人口向城市流动的浪潮一浪高过一浪,以农民工为主体的