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随着《岁月》等现赏石作品相继面世,“天价”观赏石的报道便频频出现于近年的石市中,这对整个市场的发展究竟是利大还是弊大?石商、藏家对此报以何种态度,是欢迎还是否定?活跃在石市中的您,又是如何看待这天价石的?黄瓜大叔:天价本来就是神话。石在事好:好石天价好啊,不过前提是得有人买。蒋莲:种下梧桐树,引来凤凰栖。从长远角度看,好石头就应该是天价,种下了精品石这颗梧桐树方能吸引众人的目光。天价石对赏石文化起到了很大的推动作用,它给予石商信心,鼓动广大群众热爱观赏石。可是有一点要明确,好石头自然该有好价格,但万不可将一般的石头通过各种包装变成天价,这样只会伤害购石者的热情。 With the “time” and other rock works are now available, “price ” Ornamental stone reports frequently appear in the stone market in recent years, which is the development of the entire market is good or bad? What is the attitude of this newspaper is welcome or not? Active in the stone market, you are, and how the price of stone? Cucumber Uncle: Astronomical Price is always a myth. Stone thing is good: a good stone price good, but the premise is that some people buy. Jiang Lin: planted plane trees, attracted Phoenix habitat. From a long-term point of view, a good stone should be a high price, planted a fine stone Sycamore tree to attract everyone’s attention. Astronomical stone on the stone culture has played a significant role in promoting, it gives confidence Shijiazhang, encouraging the masses to love ornamental stone. But one thing to be clear, a good stone naturally have a good price, but must not be a general stone into a price through a variety of packages, this will only hurt the enthusiasm of those who purchased stone.
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