我们的预测手段主要依靠土地电,由于对很多现象认识不清,开始观测只是记数字,划曲线,不会分析预报。经过一段摸索和到兄弟单位学习,逐步对土地电预报地震入了门。在实践过程中,我们遵照毛主席教导的“世上无难事,只要肯登攀”精神,大搞科学试验来找土地电的活动规律。我们做了一个试验,现介绍如下: 用一个60×50×40cm的木箱,里面装满土,在土里放两个电极,两极间距10cm,极板直径10cm,测到起始电流为5微安,当给东、东北、北、西北四个方向加压时,发现微安表电流上升2—3微
Our forecasting method relies mainly on electricity from the land. Since we are not aware of many phenomena, we can only start by observing the figures and plotting the curve and we can not analyze the forecast. After a period of groping and learning to brother units, the earth’s electricity forecast earthquake gradually entered the door. In the process of practice, we follow the principle taught by Chairman Mao that “there should be no hardship in the world, as long as it is willing to climb” and conduct scientific experiments to find out the law of activities of land electricity. We have done a test, are presented below: Use a 60 × 50 × 40cm wooden box filled with soil, put two electrodes in the soil, bipolar spacing 10cm, plate diameter 10cm, measured starting current of 5 Microampere, when to the east, northeast, north, northwest pressure in the four directions, we found that micro-ampere meter current rose 2-3 micro