Investigation of Surge Behavior in a Micro Centrifugal Compressor

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:e56urty
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This paper reports the experimental and theoretical study of the surge occurred in prototyping an ultra micro centrifugal compressor. As the first step, the 10 times size model of an ultra micro centrifugal compressor having the 40 mm outer diameter was designed and manufactured. The detailed experimental investigations for the transient behavior of surge with several different values of B parameter were carried out. The experimental results during the surge were compared with those obtained by the non-linear lumped parameter theory in order to validate the effectiveness of the theoretical surge model for the micro centrifugal compressor. As a result, the quite different behavior of the surge appeared for the different values of B both in the experiment and in the analysis. This paper reports the experimental and theoretical study of the surgeon in prototyping an ultra micro centrifugal compressor. As the first step, the 10 times size model of an ultra micro centrifugal compressor has the 40 mm outer diameter was designed and manufactured. investigations for the transient behavior of surge with several different values ​​of B parameter were carried out. The experimental results during the surge were compared with those obtained by the non-linear lumped parameter theory in order to validate the effectiveness of the theoretical surge model for the micro centrifugal compressor. As a result, the quite different behavior of the surge was for the different values ​​of B both in the experiment and in the analysis.
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