Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies on the Cooling Process of Polyvinyl Chloride

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alkjhgfdsa
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By means of molecular dynamics simulation, the transition of the conformations of polyvinyl chloride during a cooling process from 600 to 300 K was studied. The results show that the amorphous polyvinyl chloride chain experiences the melting state, elastic state and glass state and the conformations can be characterized by the increases of the trans-state of C—C—C—C and the near gauche-state of C—C—C—Cl with the decrease of temperature. It is found that the transition of the conformations is driven mainly by the Coulomb interaction between chain segments. The means of molecular dynamics simulation, the transition of the conformations of polyvinyl chloride during a cooling process from 600 to 300 K was studied. The results show that the amorphous polyvinyl chloride chain experiences the melting state, elastic state and glass state and the conformations can be characterized by the increase of the trans-state of C-C-C-C and the near gauche-state of C-C-C-Cl with the decrease of temperature. It is found that the transition of the conformations is driven mainly by the Coulomb interaction between chain segments
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