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探讨和分析铁路机车驾驶人员体检中血液指标(血常规)检查结果状况,协助企业完善各种防护措施。方法选择2010年1—3月参加职业健康检查的332名机车驾驶人员,均进行血常规检验。结果动车组乘务员有134人次血常规检测异常,异常率为8.50%(134/1576);轨道车司机有104人次血常规检测异常,异常率为9.62%(104/1080)。白细胞计数、红细胞计数等8项血常规检测指标异常发生率,动车组乘务员和轨道车司机之间差异无统计意义(P>0.05)。随着铁路机车驾驶人员年龄的增长,血常规异常率呈增加趋势。但是动车组乘务员的异常率在≤30岁、31~35岁及46~54岁组发生率较高,36~40岁及41~45岁组较低;而轨道车司机46~54岁、41~45岁组发生率较高,≤30岁、31~35岁及36~40岁组较低。不同年龄组乘务员和轨道车司机血常规异常率差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.496,P<0.05);动车组乘务员在≤10a和11~15a组血常规异常率较高,其他3组较低;轨道车司机随着工龄的增长,血常规异常率呈增加趋势。结论血常规检查可简便、快速、有效地筛查出血液异常情况,铁路卫生主管部门应对驾驶人员开展血常规检查,为预防疾病和及时临床治疗提供参加资料。 Explore and analyze the examination results of blood indexes (blood tests) in the examination of railway locomotive drivers to help enterprises to improve various protective measures. Methods A total of 332 locomotive drivers who participated in occupational health examination from January to March in 2010 were all tested for blood tests. Results There were 134 blood test irregularities in EMU crew members, with an abnormal rate of 8.50% (134/1576). The rail car driver had 104 routine blood test abnormalities with an abnormal rate of 9.62% (104/1080). Leukocyte count, red blood cell count and other eight blood test indicators abnormal incidence rate, EMU crew and rail car driver no significant difference between (P> 0.05). As the age of railway locomotive drivers increases, the abnormal rate of blood shows an increasing trend. However, the EMU flight attendants’ abnormal rates were higher in ≤30 years old, 31-35 years old and 46-54 years old group, lower in 36-40 years old and 41-45 years old group, while rail car drivers were 46-54 years old, 41 The 45-year-old group had a higher incidence, ≤30 years, 31-35 years and 36-40 years old. The blood routine abnormalities of flight attendants and railcar drivers in different age groups were significantly different (χ2 = 11.496, P <0.05). The ambiguity rate of flight attendants in ≤10a and 11 ~ 15a groups was higher than that in the other three groups ; Rail car drivers with the growth of seniority, abnormal blood rate showed an upward trend. Conclusion Blood tests can be used to screen abnormalities easily, rapidly and effectively. The railway health authorities should conduct blood tests for drivers and provide information for preventing diseases and timely clinical treatment.
纵观世界上五花八门的电子科技产品展会,已经越来越离不开一个新兴主题:车联网。就在今年1月的第47届拉斯维加斯国际消费类电子产品展览会CES(Consumer Electronics Show)大展上,