有关专家认为 投资行政审批制度亟待改革

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《中国改革报》近日报道,有关专家日前指出,计划经济体制下形成的高度集中的投资行政审批制度,是造成重复建设、影响投资效益的体制性因素,应成为当前投融资体制改革的重点。 对投资行政审批制度的改革应着眼于发挥市场对资源配置的基础性作用,也就是让企业根据市场信息自主地进行投资决策,同时强化政府在维护公共利益方面的管理职能。这就需要根据市场经 Recently, the “China Reform Newspaper” reported that experts recently pointed out that the highly centralized examination and approval system for investment administration formed under the planned economy is an institutional factor that causes repeated construction and affects investment returns. It should become the focus of reform in the current investment and financing system. The reform of the examination and approval system for investment administration should focus on giving full play to the market’s fundamental role in allocating resources, that is, allowing enterprises to make investment decisions autonomously on the basis of market information and at the same time strengthen the management functions of the government in safeguarding the public interest. This needs to be based on the market
由BAESysems公司研制的美海军综合防御电子干扰 /射频干扰 (IDECM/RFCM )BlockⅡ系统将装在海军的一架F/A 1 8E/F战斗机上于 6月前开始在中国湖海军试验靶场进行作战评估试验。作战评估仅涉及系统的机上
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1980年11月16~25日美日自然资源开发利用会(UJNR)有害微生物专业联合会在美国举行第15次会议,会上的报告内容主要有三个方面: 沙门氏菌: 在肉的沙门氏菌规定方面,美日之间存