
来源 :公民与法(法学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iflytekmilk
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吸引外国投资,引进国外先进技术与管理经验是加快国家或者地区走向现代化的成功经验。而能否成功吸引外国投资关键取决于该地的投资环境,投资环境是包括政治的、经济的、文化的以及心理的各种因素的结合体,每种因素都直接或间接地影响海外投资者的安全与利益。在种种影响投资的因素中,法制因素起着主要的核心作用,因为其他各种因素都需要通过一定的法律形式加以规定和表现,从而对海外投资者施加影响。因此完善中原经济区法制环境是形成良好投资环境的重要前提,只有把吸引国外投资、投资环境与法制建设三者结合起来,才能更好地吸引外资,加快中原经济区建设。 Attracting foreign investment and introducing advanced foreign technologies and management experience are the successful experiences of accelerating the modernization of countries and regions. The success of attracting foreign investment depends critically on the investment environment in the area. The investment climate is a combination of political, economic, cultural and psychological factors, each of which directly or indirectly affects overseas investors Security and interests. Among the various factors that affect investment, the legal system plays a key role as the other factors that need to be regulated and demonstrated through certain legal forms, so as to exert influence on overseas investors. Therefore, improving the legal environment in the Central Plains Economic Zone is an important prerequisite for a sound investment environment. Only by combining the attraction of foreign investment, the investment environment and the construction of a legal system can we better attract foreign capital and speed up the construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone.
我厂在机械部天津工程机械研究所帮助下,自行研究了CTY8液压拖式铲运机(见附图),其性能指标达到国内先进水平,现已通过省级鉴定,小批量生产。 该机是与红旗T88(120)D履带式
A new phase field method for two-dimensional simulations of binary alloy solidification was studied. A model basing on solute conservative in every unit was dev
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巡洋舰是一种火力强、用途多、主要在远洋活动的大型水面舰艇。巡洋舰装备有较强的进攻和防御武器,具有较高的航速和适航性,能在恶劣气候条件下长时间进行远洋作战。 Cruise