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  Suzhou New District - An Economic Powerhouse
  By Fan Ning
  In the late 1980s, as implementation of reform and open policies continued in greater depth and width, the ancient city of Suzhou in southern Jiangsu faced a major contradiction: how to continue developing its economy while protecting the cultural city with a history of more than 2,500 years.
  At the end of 1990 the municipal government made the decision to spearhead local economic development westward, that is, opening an area west of the Grand Canal that cuts through the city for industrial development. In 1992, inspired by Deng Xiaoping‘s famous talks on his south China tour, full-scale development of a Suzhou New District started. In November of the same year, Suzhou New District (SND) was formally approved by the central government as a state-level new- and high-tech development zone.
  At the start, SND had almost nothing except for a sizeable piece of flat land covering 52 square kilometers. There were a few dirt roads, a bridge spanning the Grand Canal and a bank loan of 20 million yuan. People had a pessimistic view of its future. But in a little more than 10 years, a new modern city has miraculously emerged in the west of the Grand Canal to fuel Suzhou‘s economic growth.
  The local government set two goals for SND at the start of its development. First, to develop SND into a modern, garden-like new urban area. And second, to develop SND into an international science and technology park with a high concentration of high-tech enterprises by taking advantage of Suzhou‘s existing economic foundation. Planners insisted on a coordinated development of industries and community facilities in SND, dividing the district into three major functional zones: a central business and commercial zone, a high-tech industrial zone and a residential zone.
  Over the years, a total of 5 billion yuan has been invested in SND, mainly for infrastructure facilities. Major projects include a big transformer station, a telecom center, a wastewater treatment plant, a heat and power plant, a LPG plant and a water works. Residential quarters of different styles cater to different groups of residents. More than 80,000 local people and over 3,000 foreigners have their homes in SND.
  SND has achieved phenomenal success in attracting foreign investment. At present the district plays host to more than 500 overseas-funded enterprises, which involve a combined investment of more than US$5 billion. Average overseas investment in projects in the district exceeds US$10 million; and average investment in 12 projects in the district exceeds US$100 million. Investors include over 50 multinational corporations. Export-oriented enterprises furnish more than 80% of the district‘s economic output. These enterprises generally produce on merit of scale and use advanced equipment and sophisticated technology. The presence of many multinational corporations, in particular, has brought about major changes to the district‘s economic structure, economic scale and level of technologies applied. Japan, Taiwan, and Europe/North America have a prominent presence in SND. Specifically, Japan is the source of capital of 31% of overseas-funded enterprises in the district, Taiwan 28%, and Europe/North America 34%. Well-known investors include Motorola and DuPont of the United States, Epson and Matsushita of Japan, Siemens of Germany, Schindler of Switzerland and Philip of the Netherlands. Some multinationals have tried to localize research and development by moving their R&D centers to SND. As a result, SND is now home to more than ten R&D centers established by multinationals such as Motorola and Philip.
  Projects in SND are concentrated in newly emerging industries such as electronics, telecom, precision machinery, bioengineering, pharmaceuticals, and new materials. Electronics and IT industry account for more than 70% of the district‘s total industrial output value. SND, in fact, has become a major production base in China for electronics basic materials, computers and peripherals. Computer mice, small-screen crystal displays and scanners made in SND, for example, have a 30% share of the world market. Some even have a world market share of 60%.
  High technology and an open economy have made it possible for local traditional industries to upgrade. SND has become an engine driving economic growth for the whole municipality and a "carrier" of economic restructuring. More than 100 state-owned and collective enterprises have entered SND and undergone technical transformation. Forty-five big and medium-sized key enterprises have accelerated renewal of their product lines through joint venturing and cooperative operation with overseas partners. The Suzhou No.3 Optical Meters and Instruments Factory is a good example of this. The factory used to eke out a living in a back alley in the heart of Suzhou. To seek development space, it is one of the first domestic enterprises to relocate in SND, where it has set up five Chinese-foreign joint ventures. A once obscure small factory has now become a prosperous business called Suzhou Sanguang (Group) Corporation. The corporation‘s digital cutting machines command a one-third share of the home market. Company assets have increased from 49.6 million yuan in 1993 to 200 million yuan today.
  While introducing foreign investment and technology, SND has been actively fostering the development of home-grown technologies. High- and new-tech enterprises and projects with Chinese-owned intellectual property rights are continuously incubated in the district. The Suzhou New- and High-tech Innovation Service Center in SND was designated an international business incubator by the United Nations in 1996. Later, SND established China Suzhou Pioneering Park for Overseas Chinese Scholars. With support and help from these incubators, 185 new- and high-tech enterprises have emerged in SND.
  SND has spared no effort in developing education and science and technology. It has invested 500 million yuan building 12 schools. One of them, Suzhou Foreign Languages School, is for the children of foreign businesspeople and employees working in the district. The Suzhou Experimental School in SND is attached to Nanjing University. An experimental primary school and an experimental kindergarten in SND are also provincial-level exemplary schools. In 1995, SND signed a 10-year agreement with Nanjing University on cooperation in personnel training, scientific research and research finding transfer. SND has established a one million yuan special award fund in Nanjing University, while Nanjing University has established a continuing education base in SND, offering training in foreign languages, science and technology, management and economics. In 2002, SND and the National Defense Science and Technology University agreed to jointly train Master-degree candidates majoring in software development.
  SND is interested in attracting talent as well as investment. It has established a post-doctorate service center and a workstation for returned Chinese students having completed studies overseas. It has set up a 5 million yuan fund that provides financial support to returned Chinese students intending to launch viable high-tech projects.
  The emergence of SND has given Suzhou new vitality. With two vibrant wings - an industrial park (jointly managed by Chinese and Singaporeans) in the east and SND in the west - the ancient city of Suzhou has had an impressive economic takeoff, the envy of cities, big and small, in the country.
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患者男,53岁.因持续胸闷4 h伴冷汗、头晕于2002年9月12日来我院急诊.入院前1 d无明显诱因下出现阵发性胸闷,持续时间短暂,无冷汗,自行缓解.