
来源 :源流 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bascin
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源流杂志社倡议开展“百家赠《源流》”活动,无论从哪个角度来说,都是值得称赞的。首先值得一赞的是,《源流》杂志敢于面对现实,锐意进取,调整办刊方针,扩大读者范围。去年下半年,身兼省老促会理事长、省关工委第一主任的原中共广东省委书记林若指出,《源流》杂志力、刊对象太狭窄,读者有限,难于扩大发行量。他提议省关工委参与联合主办《源流》杂志,使关工委有了公开发行的刊物,以利用革命老区的优势,进一步加强青少年教育工作。林若同志的提议得到各方面的赞同,认为这是给《源流》杂志注入了新的活力,为它今后的蓬勃发展提供了基础。当今的各项工作都受市场经济所调节,办杂志也不能老靠主办单位补贴,经济上同样得走向市场,这样才能体现出它的生命力。今年已出版的1、2期《源流》,各方面读者都给予充分的肯定。省老记者联谊会会长、羊城晚报社原社长马镇坤说,看了今年两期《源流》杂志,觉得进步很大。省老促会顾问吴健民看了第二期《源流》杂志,认为内容十分丰富。省关工委常务副主任鲁阳说,《源流》杂志在去年大有进步的基础上,给人以耳目一新的感觉。著名诗人张永枚说:“我读今年第一期《源流》杂志,读到晚上12点钟,觉得可读性强,许多文章都有吸引力。” Origami magazine initiative to carry out “100 gifts” source “” activities, no matter from which perspective, are commendable. First of all praiseworthy is that “Source” magazine dare to face the reality, forge ahead, adjust the guidelines for running the magazine, and expand the scope of readers. In the second half of last year, Lin Ruo, former secretary of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee who was also director of the Provincial Association for Promoting Youth Affairs and first director of the Provincial Work Committee, pointed out that the source and scope of the magazine is too narrow and the readers are limited and it is difficult to expand circulation. He proposed that the provincial commissioners and detachment committees take part in co-sponsoring the “Original Stream” magazine so that the Customs Commission has a public offering of publications to take advantage of the old revolutionary base areas to further strengthen the education of young people. Comrade Lin’s proposal has been endorsed by all parties in the belief that this has injected new vitality into Source Magazine and provided the basis for its prosperous future. All the work nowadays is regulated by the market economy, and magazines can not always rely on the subsidies of the organizers. They also have to go to the market economically to show their vitality. This year has been published 1, 2 “source”, all readers are fully affirmed. Ma Zhenkun, president of the old journalist association of the province and the former president of the Yangcheng Evening Newspaper, said he saw great progress in his two original sources this year. Provincial Association for Promoting Sociology Wu Jianmin saw the second issue of “Source” magazine, that the content is very rich. Lu Yang, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Working Committee, said that based on the great progress made last year, the “Origins” magazine gives people a fresh look. Zhang Yongmei, a famous poet, said: “I read the first issue of this year’s Source Magazine and found that at 12 o’clock in the evening, I found it quite readable and many articles were attractive.” "
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