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咸阳出土北周保定四年(564年)《魏故南秦刺史成君碑》,为存世不多的北周碑版增添了一例年代较早的历史物证,也为研讨西魏北周之间的史事与人物,特别是梳理南秦州刺史成氏家族提供了重要的文献依据,而其书法样式也足以见证当时长安地区的流行风尚。因为此碑在内容上的最大特点是为北魏南秦州刺史成君和他的两位胞弟、一位堂弟和一位侄子共同下葬而建立的家族墓碑,故本文的考证一是侧重于成君的家族与人物,以此见证族源为匈奴后裔的成氏一族乃是有功于北魏的上谷豪族;二是侧重于这些人物所参与的重大史事,譬如碑文所记中坚将军成尊和领兵“征梁、汉,与吴贼兰钦交阵”乃是南梁与西魏在汉中南郑的一次重要战事,适可与正史互为补证,并能见证当时战争的惨烈悲壮。此外,碑文有“内辩三乘,外明六史”之说,故关于“六史”的称谓在内涵上究竟是指文献还是指职官,也是文章注重分析的一个问题。当然,还值得留意的就是此碑的书法,楷书中尚未尽脱北魏笔致而又有受到北齐影响的隶书意趣,堪称北周碑版墓志书法中最为峻整者,并足以见证这样一种受南朝书风影响而在北周都城长安地区营造出来的书法时尚与主流样式。 Xianyang unearthed in the Northern Zhou Dynasty Baoding four years (564 years) “Southern Wei thorn stele Cheng Jun monument”, for the few surviving Bei Zhou Bei Edition added a case of earlier evidence of history, but also for the study of Western Wei and Northern Dynasties history and Characters, especially combing the Chengci clan of South Chizhou governor provide an important basis for the literature, and its style of calligraphy is enough to witness the prevailing fashion in Chang’an. Because this monument in the content of the most prominent feature is for the Northern Wei Dynasty Southern prefectural governor Cheng Jun and his two brothers, a cousin and a nephew buried together to establish the family tombstone, so this textual research is focused on Cheng Jun’s family and people, in order to witness the origin of the Huis clan descendants into the family but work in the Northern Wei Shanguhaozu; the second is focused on the participation of these characters in major events, such as inscriptions recorded in the backbone of the military into respect and Leader “Levy beam, Han, and Wu Zei Lan Qin cross” is the Nan Liang and Western Wei Nanzheng in Hanzhong an important war, suitable for each other and Zhengshi complement each other, and can witness the tragic tragic strong . In addition, the inscription has “inside the debate three multiplication, outside the Ming six history ”, so on the “six history ” appellation in terms of meaning refers to the literature or the official, but also the article pays attention to the analysis of a problem. Of course, it is also worth noting that the calligraphy of this monument, regular script has not yet been written off by the Northern Wei Dynasty but influenced by the Northern Qi Dynasty official script, called the Northern Zhou Dynasty edition of the epitaph calligraphy of the most serious and sufficient to witness such a Southern The influence of the book style in the northern capital of Chang’an area to create a calligraphy fashion and mainstream style.
1999年 1 1月美国物理学会等离子体部会议上 ,有三个小组独立宣布 ,他们可用超短激光脉冲照射固体箔靶的小点 ,产生高能离子束流。劳仑斯·里弗莫尔国家实验室报道 ,用“拍瓦
普通高校图书馆联盟的建设与发展离不开一支高素质队伍。本文主要探讨了普通高校图书馆从事联盟服务馆员的基本素质。 The construction and development of the general un