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为了制定科学、有效的向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermller(鳞翅目:螟蛾科)测报和防治对策,通过野外调查和室内饲养观察对内蒙古巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的发生为害规律及生活史进行了研究。结果表明:当地向日葵螟的寄主有菊科的向日葵Helianthus annuus L.、茼蒿Chrysanthemum coronarium Mill.、刺儿菜Cephalanoplos segetum(Beg.)Kitam和苣荬菜Sonchus brachyotus DC.,其中苣荬菜作为向日葵螟的寄主在我国是首次报道。应用性信息素监测结合田间调查的结果表明,当地向日葵螟一年发生2代,其中越冬幼虫4月下旬开始化蛹,5月中旬开始羽化,但此时羽化的成虫由于缺乏开花寄主而无法产卵为害。第1代幼虫在6月末为害茼蒿、7月下旬开始为害开花的向日葵。第1代幼虫于7月下旬开始羽化产卵形成第2代,其中有9.2%的老熟幼虫直接滞育越冬。第2代幼虫自8月中旬起为害晚开花的向日葵,9月中旬老熟后陆续入土越冬,至10月上旬收获时仍有30.0%的幼虫未老熟而随收获的葵花盘转至筛选出的杂质中越冬。在24℃,RH70%和L16:D8光照条件下测定第2代向日葵螟卵、幼虫和蛹的发育历期分别为4.2、15.9和11.1d,雌、雄蛾寿命分别为14.9d和15.1d。综合观察结果,绘制了巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的生活史表。 In order to develop a scientific and effective method for the reporting and control of Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), the field investigation and indoor feeding were used to observe the damage and life of sunflower borer in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia. History has been studied. The results showed that the hosts of the local sunflower borer were Helianthus annuus L., Chrysanthemum coronarium Mill., Cephalanoplos segetum (Beg.) Kitam and Sonchus brachyotus DC., Of which, The host is the first report in our country. Application of pheromone monitoring combined with field surveys showed that the local sunflower borer occurred two generations a year, of which overwintering larvae began to pupate in late April, and began to emerge in mid-May, but at this time the emergence of adults due to the lack of flowering host and unable to produce Egg damage. The first-generation larvae harmed Artemisia selengensis at the end of June and began to damage the flowering sunflower in late July. The first generation of larvae began to emerge in late July to form the second generation of oviposition, of which 9.2% of mature larvae directly diaphanized and overwintered. The second-generation larvae harmed late flowering sunflowers from the middle of August. After mid-September, the second generation larvae overwinter into the soil one after another. In the first ten days of October, 30.0% of the larvae did not mature while the harvested sunflower disks were screened out The impurities in the winter. The developmental durations of larvae and pupae of the 2nd generation sunflower borer were 4.2, 15.9 and 11.1 days respectively at 24 ℃, RH70% and L16: D8 light conditions, and the longevity of male and female moths were 14.9 and 15.1 days respectively. Based on the observations, the life history of sunflower borer in Bayannur region was plotted.
当记者踏进湖南邵东这片热土时,拜访了在邵东县人人皆知的刘克能,他是邵东人的骄傲。 20世纪80年代,刘克能靠果苗起家,成为邵东第一批万元户;1987年在中南海怀仁堂开会期间,
It is estimated that 80% of the world population depends on traditional medicine for primary healthcare need. Trianthema portulacastrum Linn.(family: Aizoaceae)
秋日凉,落叶无主任飞扬,满怀哀思谁人共,玉国像前诉衷肠,为何走匆忙…… 太无常,三十三载人生路。一朝撒手离爹娘。儿未尽孝父失职,油尽灯熄税收岗,功过由人讲。 不能忘,只为
在新能源的理念下,日系的混合动力车型发展的相当迅速,而丰田Prius普锐斯就是这一领域的先行者也是开拓者。作为后来居上的本田也迅速在这一领域拿出了自己的产品——Insight。目前2011款本田Insight已经上市,起售价为16325英镑(约合16.83万元)。  2011款Insight的前脸设计有着浓郁的家族特色,棱角分明的头灯赋予了新车更运动、更富侵略性的车头。进气格栅采用了大面积横幅格栅