Alkali-silica Reactivity of Different Aggregates from Mineral and Textural Characteristics

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengqiuyu1990
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To identify the aggregates causing the alkali-silica reaction,and the reactivity of rocks in different parts of China,the mineral and texture characteristics of some typical coarse ag-gregates and the alkali reactivity of these aggregates were systematically investigated.On one hand,petrographic examination of aggregates,combined with X-ray diffraction analysis,chemical analysis,scanning electron microscopy,was conducted for analyzing their mineralogy and texture.It was found that not only mineral characteristics,but also their interior structure would affect their potential alkali-silica reactivity.Furthermore,the alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates is due to their mineral compositions,such as containing different alkali-reactive minerals,while,different stuc-tures of those aggregates with similar minerals affect their reactivity to some extent.There are some amount of micro-aperture and cracks across the quartz in the aggregate,which may become the natural accesses for Na+,K+,and OH-ions to intrude in the mortar or concrete during the process of alkali-silica reaction.Alkali-silica reactivity of the aggregates was detected by the accelerated mortar bars test.It was revealed that all the aggregates tested were alkali-silica reactive and the re-sults were also in accordance with their mineral and structure analysis. To identify the aggregates causing the alkali-silica reaction, and the reactivity of rocks in different parts of China, the mineral and texture characteristics of some typical coarse ag-gregates and the alkali reactivity of these aggregates were systematically investigated. On one hand, petrographic examination of aggregates, combined with X-ray diffraction analysis, chemical analysis, scanning electron microscopy, was conducted for analyzing their mineralogy and texture. It was found that not only mineral characteristics, but also their interior structure would affect their potential alkali-silica reactivity .Furthermore, the alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates is due to their mineral compositions, such as containing different alkali-reactive minerals, while, different stuc-tures of those aggregates with similar minerals affect their reactivity to some extent.There are some amount of micro-aperture and cracks across the quartz in the aggregate, which may become the natural accesses for Na +, K +, and OH-ions to intrude in the mortar or concrete during the process of alkali-silica reaction. Alkali-silica reactivity of the aggregates was detected by the accelerated mortar bars test. It was revealed that all the aggregates tested alkali- silica reactive and the re-sults were also in accordance with their mineral and structure analysis.
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