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长期以来,在中学的师生间普遍存在着一种有意思的现象:毕业离校以后,仍能与老师保持联系的,往往是那些在学校时学习成绩不好、总受老师批评的“调皮蛋”们;而昔日倍受老师器重的“好学生”,再见到恩师时,或许会把脸扭向一旁,假装不认识,或者做作地点一下头就扬长而去,生怕老师会沾他的光似的。站在学生的角度来看,那些被他们真心爱戴、长久依恋的老师往往都有着相似的人格魅力:淡泊名利,多才多艺,谈吐幽默,平易可亲,仗义疏财……还有少数这样的老师简直就是“大隐隐于市”的“高人”。这些老师用不俗的才气、火热的情感帮助调皮蛋们驱散了心中自卑的阴霾,引导他们发现并充分运用自身的天赋才能,在“学历至上”的不利现实中赢得发展的机会,使事业不断走向辉煌。这多么出乎象牙塔中那些所谓专家、学者设想的教条呀!江总书记在“十六大”的讲话里特别强调今后要“鼓励人才,鼓励创造”。本栏目推出的“师生情系列”是以“情”为主旋律、以令读者喜闻乐见的真实小事为内容的一系列短篇报告文学。它最积极的目的是,为教育界和社会培养创新型人才提供可资借鉴的科学思路。在深入生活,搜集、整理这些师生间的小故事的过程中,记者始终被一种爱的情愫感染着、鼓舞着。这种珍贵的情愫只可意会不可言表,它是随着岁月 For a long time, there has been an interesting phenomenon among teachers and students in middle schools: after graduating from school, they can still keep in touch with teachers, often those who fail to score well in school and are always criticized by their teachers. “; And the former heavy instructor heavy” good student “, and then see the teacher, you may turn your face to one side, pretend not to know, or make a spot at the head to go away for fear that the teacher will dip his light like of. From the students’ point of view, those who are really loved by them, long-term attachment of teachers tend to have a similar personality charisma: indifferent to fame and fortune, versatile, humorous, approachable, righteousness and money ... ... there are a handful of such teachers is simply ” Big faint in the city “and” expert. “ These teachers help their naughty eggs to disperse the haze of their inferiority with good talent and fiery emotions and guide them in discovering and making full use of their natural talents to win development opportunities in the unfavorable conditions of ”academic first“ Brilliant. This goes beyond what the so-called experts and scholars in the ivory tower envisioned. In his speech at the ”16th National Congress of the CPC,“ General Secretary Jiang emphasized in particular the principle of ”encouraging and stimulating creativity in the future.“ This series of ”teacher-student love series“ is based on ”love" as the theme, so that readers love the real trivial content as a series of short story reportage. Its most positive aim is to provide a scientific guideline that can be drawn on for the education sector and society to cultivate innovative talents. In the process of going deep into life, collecting and arranging these teachers and students, the reporter has always been infected with a kind of love and inspiration. This precious affection can only be felt unspeakable, it is with the years
目的:观察脾胃培元灌肠方对TNBs致溃疡性结肠炎大鼠的作用及对血清CRP水平的影响. 方法:将SD大鼠随机分为:空白对照组、模型组、灌肠组.除空白对照组外,其余各组均采用TNBs/
目的:观察榆白缓释栓治疗溃疡性结肠炎(直肠型)湿热内蕴证的临床疗效. 方法:选择符合纳入标准的溃疡性结肠炎病例53例,随机分成治疗组和对照组,治疗组(28例)以榆白缓释栓肛