
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxcvbnmzhaowei
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Two immunocompromised adult patients (male, 43 years of age; female, 50 years of age) are described who developed unusual and similarly unique complications. After chemotherapy, both presented with abdominal pain and severe bloody diarrhea. Initial blood cultures were negative, and abdominal CT showed pneumatosis and thickening of colonic wall. Colonoscopy showed severe right-sided colitis. Relentless bloody diarrhea necessitated emergency right hemicolectomy in both cases. Pathologic examination of the specimens showed extensive and severe hematogenous Candida enterocolitis. Both patients died of acute cerebral hemorrhage within 3 days of hemicolectomy. Autopsy, performed on 1 of the 2 cases, showed diffuse severe cerebritis and cerebral hemorrhage secondary to hematogenous invasive candidiasis. This sequence of events is not documented in the English literature on candidal enterocolitis, which is reviewed. Both immunocompromised adult patients (male, 43 years of age; female, 50 years of age) are described previously developed and similarly unique complications. After chemotherapy, both presented with abdominal pain and severe bloody diarrhea. All patients died of acute cerebral hemorrhage within 3 cases. CT showed pneumatosis and thickening of colonic wall. days of hemicolectomy. Autopsy, performed on 1 of the 2 cases, showed diffuse severe cerebritis and cerebral hemorrhage secondary to hematogenous invasive candidiasis. This sequence of events is not documented in the English literature on candidal enterocolitis, which is reviewed.
本文主要论述了当前医院思想政治工作中存在的主要问题,明确医院思想政治工作的主要内容和工作目标,提出加强和改进医院思想政治工作的对策。 This article mainly discusse
【摘要】课堂教学是传授知识、培养能力,全面提高学生素质的主要途径。要使学生真正成为数学课堂的主人,数学课堂教学必须让学生“动”起来,使课堂“活”起来。本文从“创设良好的氛围,更新观念,要增加课堂的魅力,吸引孩子主动参与。让孩子学会自己动手操作,利用游戏,提高孩子们兴趣,”等四方面,谈一下如何让学生成为数学课堂的主人的一些感受。  【关键词】数学课堂 动手操作 积极参与 学习主人  【中图分类号】G
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坐在跷跷板上,一上一下地跷呀跷,是多么美好的童年回忆啊。对于跷跷板,我们除了想到玩之外,还能想到什么呢?世界上有一个人因受到跷跷板的启发发明了一项诊疗工具。那么,你知道这个人是谁吗?他到底发明了什么呢?  跷跷板传出的“密码”  一天,年轻的法国医生雷奈克来到卢浮宫散步时,看到几个孩子正在玩他儿时经常玩的跷跷板游戏,于是忍不住凑了过去。  “我不想玩了!”也许是跷跷板一上一下坐得太久,其中一个孩子
【中图分类号】G623.2【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)37-0050-02  随着信息技术迅速发展,传统的书写方式逐渐被现代科技手段所替代,作为中华民族传统的文字书写艺术,面临后继无人的危机。开展写字教学的有效性研究有利于解决学生中存在的下列问题:如因写字姿势有误而导致学生身体发育不良,视力下降;因巩固识字的效果不好而导致错别字较多;有利于锻炼教师学生严格细致的责任