自2014年以来,相继发生浙江温岭“1·14”火灾,死亡16人;广东揭阳“3·26”火灾,死亡12人;山东寿光“11·16”火灾,死亡18人。这些事故的发生,暴露出部分劳动密集型企业安全监管诸多问题。根据国务院安委会办公室《关于山东寿光“11·16”重大火灾事故的通报》,2014年11月16日,山东省寿光市化龙镇裴岭村龙源食品有限公司发生火灾,造成18人死亡、13人受伤,过火面积5 000 m2。据调查,事故的直接原因是:龙源食品有限公司保鲜恒温库内沿墙敷设的制冷风机供电线路接头过热短路,引燃墙面聚氨酯泡沫保温材料,引
Since 2014, a series of fires have occurred in Wenling City, Zhejiang Province, including “1.14” fire, killing 16 people; Guangdong Jieyang “3.26” fire, killing 12 people; Shandong Shouguang “11.16” fire, killing 18 people. The occurrence of these accidents exposed many problems of safety supervision of some labor-intensive enterprises. According to the “On the Shouguang, Shandong” “11.16” “major fire accident notification”, November 16, 2014, Shouguang City, Shandong Province Huarong Longquan Pei Lingcun Longyuan Food Co., Ltd., a fire broke out 18 were killed and 13 were injured, with an area of over 5 000 m2. According to the survey, the direct cause of the accident is: Longyuan Food Co., Ltd. refrigerator cooling fan installed along the wall of the power supply circuit connector overheating and short circuit, igniting the wall polyurethane foam insulation material, lead