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随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国建筑工程建设也有了很大发展,尤其是施工技术方面有了很大提高。建筑工程施工环境通常较为复杂,在软土地上进行施工的情况也时常发生,因此地基的处理是整个工程想要顺利施工的基础工作。与普通地面上施工有所不同,软土地的地基强度较低,土地中的水分含量较高,使地基的压缩率提高,施工时所要面临的困难与危险程度也随之增加,在软土地上施工时所需要的技术也存在难点。本文通过探讨人力、物力、技术对建筑工程施工的影响,总结在软土地区进行基础施工的方法,旨在为降低软土地施工难度提供参考。 With the rapid development of economy in our country, great progress has been made in the construction of construction projects in our country, especially in construction technology. The construction environment of the construction project is usually complicated. The construction of the construction site in the soft soil often takes place. Therefore, the foundation treatment is the basic work that the entire project wants to be smoothly constructed. Different from common ground construction, the soft ground has lower foundation strength and higher water content in the ground, which increases the compressibility of the foundation and increases the difficulties and dangers to be faced during the construction. On the soft ground The technology needed for construction is also difficult. This paper discusses the impact of manpower, material and technology on the construction of construction projects, summarizes the method of foundation construction in soft soil areas, and aims to provide reference for reducing the difficulty of construction of soft land.
近年来 ,笔者采用双切法治疗 10例肛门狭窄 ,并加强术后处理 ,均一次性治愈。1 临床资料本组男 4例 ,女 6例 ;年龄最大 6 3岁 ,最小 19岁 ,平均41 4岁。病程最短 5 0d ,最长
Objective: To perform a health maintenance organization-based case-contro l study to evaluate the association of total and high density lipoprotein (HDL) choles
Objective: To test the hypothesis that the N10 far field potential in median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials is generated by the motor axons by examini ng