Assessment of serum angiogenic factors as a diagnostic aid for small bowel angiodysplasia in patient

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marticabi
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AIM To assess the use of serum levels of angiopoietin-1(Ang1), Ang2 and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNFα) as predictive factors for small bowel angiodysplasia(SBA).METHODS Serum samples were collected from patients undergoing capsule endoscopy for any cause of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding(OGIB) or anaemia. Based on small bowel findings patients were divided into 3 groups:(1) SBA;(2) other bleeding causes; and(3) normal, according to diagnosis. Using ELISA technique we measured serum levels of Ang1, Ang2 and TNFα and compared mean and median levels between the groups based on small bowel diagnosis. Using receiver operator curve analysis we determined whether any of the factors were predictive of SBA.RESULTS Serum samples were collected from a total of 120 patients undergoing capsule endoscopy for OGIB or anaemia: 40 with SBA, 40 with other causes of small bowel bleeding, and 40 with normal small bowel findings. Mean and median serum levels were measured and compared between groups; patients with SBA had significantly higher median serum levels of Ang2(3759 pg/mL) compared to both other groups, with no significant differences in levels of Ang1 or TNFα based on diagnosis. There were no differences in Ang2 levels between the other bleeding causes(2261 pg/mL) and normal(2620pg/mL) groups. Using Receiver Operator Curve analysis, an Ang2 level of > 2600 pg/mL was found to be predictive of SBA, with an area under the curve of 0.7. Neither Ang1 or TNFα were useful as predictive markers.CONCLUSION Elevations in serum Ang2 are specific for SBA and not driven by other causes of bleeding and anaemia. Further work will determine whether Ang2 is useful as a diagnostic or prognostic marker for SBA. AIM To assess the use of serum levels of angiopoietin-1 (Ang1), Ang2 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) as predictive factors for small bowel angiodysplasia (SBA) .METHODS Serum samples were collected from patients undergoing capsule endoscopy for any cause Based on small bowel findings patients were divided into 3 groups: (1) SBA; (2) other bleeding causes; and (3) normal, according to diagnosis. Using ELISA technique we measured serum Levels of Ang1, Ang2 and TNFα and compared mean and median levels between the groups based on small bowel diagnosis. Using receiver operator curve analysis we determined whether any of the factors were predictive of SBA.RESULTS Serum samples were collected from a total of 120 patients undergoing capsule endoscopy for OGIB or anaemia: 40 with SBA, 40 with other causes of small bowel bleeding, and 40 with normal small bowel findings. Mean and median serum levels were measured and compared between groups; patients with SBA had significantly higher median serum levels of Ang2 (3759 pg / mL) compared to both other groups, with no significant differences in levels of Ang1 or TNFα based on diagnosis. There were no differences in Ang2 levels between the other bleeding causes ( 2261 pg / mL) and normal (2620 pg / mL) groups. Using Receiver Operator Curve analysis, an Ang2 level of> 2600 pg / mL was found to be predictive of SBA with an area under the curve of 0.7. Neither Ang1 or TNFα were useful as predictive markers. CONCLUSION Elevations in serum Ang2 are specific for SBA and not driven by other causes of bleeding and anaemia. Further work will determine whether Ang2 is useful as a diagnostic or prognostic marker for SBA.
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