邹市明 不是只有KO才OK

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2013年11月24日,邹市明在澳门出色地完成了自己的第三场比赛,6回合鏖战无可争议地击败墨西哥对手托兹卡诺。相比前两次赛后的一片质疑与批评之声,这次他收获更多的则是赞许与肯定。从不敢对攻到敢于和对手硬碰硬对抗,从体能不济到酣畅淋漓地赢得比赛,邹市明凭借三连胜上了三个台阶。如果把职业拳击比作学历教育,那么邹市明从小学、初中到升入高中也只不过用了八个多月时间。应该说,在师从美国著名职业教练罗奇的八个月时间里,邹市明身上确实有了脱胎换骨的变化。首先,他变得更加自信和从容,对节奏的把握也越来越稳健,本场比赛从第1回合到最后一个回合,无论场面如何.他都打得非常有耐心,能够出色地贯彻教练的意图。其次,他之前一直为人们诟病的体能有了显著改观,虽然,这场对阵墨西哥对手的比赛从原定的8个回合改为6个回合,但从最后结果来看,他再打两个回合也完全没有问题。如果说略有遗憾,那就是,他没能兑现赛前所说的KO(击倒)对手。击倒对手,是每个职业拳手都梦寐以求的获胜方式。但目前阶段对邹市明来说,他当务之急要解决的不是这种KO对手的能力,他缺乏的恰恰是比赛的历练,他需要更多场次、更多回合的比赛,这样才有助于加 On November 24, 2013, Zou Shimin completed his third race well in Macau, defeating Mexican rival Toszano for six rounds without question. Compared to the voice of questioning and criticism after the previous two games, this time he has gained more praise and affirmation. From not afraid to attack the courage and confrontation opponents, from poor health to hearty win the game, Zou Shiming three victories on the three steps. If the professional boxing like academic education, then Zou Shiming from primary school, junior high school to high school only spent more than eight months. It should be said that in the eight-month period from the famous American occupation coach Roach, Zou Shiming really did have changed completely. First, he became more confident and calm, gaining a steady grip on the rhythm, playing well from the first round to the final round regardless of the scene. He played very patiently and coached well intention. Second, he has been remarkably improved in physical fitness that he has been criticized for so far. Although the match against Mexican opponents was changed from the original 8 rounds to 6 rounds, he concluded two rounds There is no problem at all. If there is a slight regret, that is, he did not meet the pre-match KO (knock down) opponents. Knockdown your opponent is the winning way every professional boxer dreams of. However, for Zou Shiming at this stage, his urgent task is not to deal with the ability of such KO opponents. What he lacks is precisely the experience of the competition. He needs more games and more rounds of matches so as to help increase
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