孔令威生于1952年,号小虫(“虫”者,虎也),江苏扬州市人,事画卅载,喜花鸟,工山水,尤擅画虎,名重古城扬州,并步入江苏画坛,举目海内。 早年,孔令威师法先师,师法造化,潜心研习张善好、刘继卣等前辈大师的绘画技术,心摹手追,不断吸取。为使笔下之虎真正有雄威,有生气,
Kong Lingwei was born in 1952, the number bug ( “worm ” who, tiger), Yangzhou City, Jiangsu people, things are contained, birds and flowers, landscapes, especially good tiger, famous ancient city of Yangzhou, and Into the Jiangsu painting scene, lift eyes sea. Early years, Kong Lingwei teacher law division, division of law and nature, painstaking study of Zhang Shanhao, Liu Jizhi and other predecessors masters of painting techniques, heart and hand chase, continue to learn. In order to make the real tiger tiger under the pen, angry,