
来源 :中国卫生法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingcang_wu
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近几年,在一些地区特别是农村地区,非法行医现象又呈蔓延之势,严重地威胁着人民群众的生命安全。本文就非法行医现象的根源及治理对策作点探讨。一、非法行医现象的主要表现形式目前,无论在农村还是在城镇,非法行医现象形式多样。据我们了解,主要表现形式有以下三种:巫婆、神汉“行医”。巫婆、神汉不懂医术,仅凭烧香、念佛、看手相、跳大神等手段给患者“治病”。神汉程某,60多岁,非法行医达30年之久。本就患有高血压、心脏病的一村妇王某求医于程某。程某故弄玄虚,说王某是黄鼠狼附体,他一边念念有词,一边给王某胡乱扎针。结果,断断续续治了两个多月,王某的病非但没有减轻,反而越治越重,最后死于脑溢血。 In recent years, in some areas, especially in rural areas, the practice of illegal medical practice is spreading again, seriously threatening the lives and safety of the people. This article discusses the root causes of illegal medical practices and governance strategies. First, the main manifestations of the phenomenon of illegal medical practice At present, both in rural areas and in urban areas, illegal medical practice in various forms. According to our understanding, the main manifestations of the following three: witch, God Han “practice ”. Witch, God Han did not understand medicine, just by burning incense, Buddha, hand phase, the Great God and other means to patients “cure ”. God Han Chengmou, 60s, illegal practice for 30 years. This is suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, a village woman Wang seeking medical treatment in a. Cheng a trick, said that Wang is a weasel posthumously, while he was remembered, while giving Wang arbitrary treatment. Results, intermittent treatment of more than two months, Wang disease not only failed to alleviate, but the more rule the heavier, and finally died of cerebral hemorrhage.
国务院副总理朱鎔基认为,时下政治、经济稳定,正是调整经济结构的最佳时期,且时机稍纵即逝,不能再徘徊不前,等待观望。中国为何要进行结构调整?请看下列一些数字: Zhu Rong
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AlSiCp (65 vol.% SiC) electronic packaging materials were manufactured by powder injection molding (PIM) and pressure infiltration process in order to obtain ne
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