Dependability analysis of the data communication system in train control system

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:babaxsj
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Communication based train control (CBTC) system is based on mobile communication and overcomes fixed blocks in order to increase track utilization and train safety. The data communication system (DCS) between trains and wayside equipment is a crucial factor for the safe and efficient operation of CBTC system. The dependability under various transmission conditions needs to be modeled and evaluated. In this paper,a stochastic reward net (SRN) model for DCS based IEEE 802.11 standard was developed,which captures all relevant failure and failure recovery behavior system aspects in a concise way. We compared the reliability,availability for DCS with and without access point (AP) and antenna redundant configuration. We also quantitatively evaluated and compared the frame loss probability for three DCS configurations with different train velocities and train numbers in one radio cell. Fixed-point iteration was adopted to simplify the analysis. Numerical results showed the significant improvement of the reliability,availability and the frame loss probability index for the full redundant configuration. Communication based train control (CBTC) system is based on mobile communication and overcomes fixed blocks in order to increase track utilization and train safety. The data communication system (DCS) between trains and wayside equipment is a crucial factor for the safe and efficient operation of The dependability under various transmission conditions needs to be modeled and evaluated. In this paper, a stochastic reward net (SRN) model for DCS based IEEE 802.11 standard was developed, which captures all relevant failure and failure recovery behavior system aspects in a We compared the reliability, availability for DCS with and without access point (AP) and antenna redundant configuration. We also quantitatively evaluated and compared the frame loss probability for three DCS configurations with different train velocities and train numbers in one radio cell. Fixed-point iteration was adopted to simplify the analysis. Numerical results showed the significant improve ment of the reliability, availability and the frame loss probability index for the full redundant configuration.
本书由牛成俊编著。全书412页,300千字,32开,定价8.0元,将于1990年3月出版。内容包括露天采矿科学的方法论、矿产储量 Book edited by Niu Chengjun. The book 412 pages,
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