适应改革需要 成立行业协会——中国机床工具工业协会铸造机械协会成立

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本刊讯潘慎松报道:经国家机械委机床工具局和中国机床工具协会的批准,铸造机械协会于1988年1月17日至19日在青岛召开了成立大会暨第一届会员大会。参加会议的有40个单位52名代表。中国机床工具工业协会秘书处的有关同志到会祝贺并就协会性质,如何把过去所习惯的产品经济向有关计划商品经济转变,以及如何建立协会意识,开拓协会工作,创办具有中国特色的机床工具工业协会等问题作了重要讲话。中国机床工业协会铸造机械协会筹委会向与会代表汇报了筹备经过;会议传达了中国机床工具工业协会(筹)1987年8月在北京召开的第一次秘书长联席会议精神,并汇报了秘书长联席会议对协会产生背景及发展前景等情况,对一些问题的统一认识和协会的几项暂行规定。 Pan Shensong reports: With the approval of the National Machine Tool Bureau of the National Machinery Commission and the China Machine Tool Association, the Foundry Machinery Association held its inaugural meeting and the first general meeting of members from January 17 to 19, 1988 in Qingdao. There were 40 representatives from 52 delegates attending the meeting. The relevant Comrades of the China Machine Tool Industry Association secretariat will congratulate and discuss the nature of the association, how to transform the product economy that was used to in the past, to the related planned commodity economy, and how to establish association awareness, expand association work, and establish machine tools with Chinese characteristics. Industry associations and other issues made important speeches. The Preparatory Committee of the Foundry Machinery Association of China Machine Tool Industry Association reported the preparations to the delegates; the meeting conveyed the spirit of the first joint meeting of the Secretary-General held in Beijing in August 1987 by the China Machine Tool and Tooling Industry Association and reported to the secretary. The Long Joint Meeting has a background on the Association’s background and development prospects, a unified understanding of certain issues and several interim regulations of the Association.
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