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龙钢跃中共党员,大学文化。现任长沙晚报副社长、副总编辑。其作品曾两次获得湖南新闻奖一等奖。长沙市政府给他记大功一次,还被评为长沙市宣传战线优秀共产党员和全国新闻战线抗洪抢险报道先进工作者。 10多年来,他坚持深入一线采访,是一位名副其实的“全天候记者”。1998年6月,他患病住院动手术,但当时正处抗洪的紧张时期。他伤未痊愈,便提前出院,连续20多天坚持在抗洪抢险报道一线。他值夜班时,每晚主动出击,创下了长沙晚报《夜间记者值班室》栏目一个月发稿23条的最高纪录。他在采写了大量正面报道的同时,10年中写了近百篇批评报道,对改进工作起了促进作用。龙钢跃同志在担任新闻部主任时,除每年编发记者上百万字的稿件外,自写稿件不下10万字。近年来共有40余件新闻作品先后获得全国和省级奖项,他采写的《昨夜今晨:市委书记在抢险现场》和系列深度报道《长沙公共 Longyue Yue Communist Party members, university culture. The incumbent Changsha Evening News vice president, deputy editor. His work has twice won the first prize of Hunan News Award. Changsha Municipal Government gave him a memorial one time, was also named the Changsha propaganda front outstanding Communist Party members and the national news front of flood resistance and rescue workers advanced. For more than 10 years, he insisted on in-depth interviews, is a veritable “all-weather reporter.” In June 1998, he was hospitalized for surgery, but was in a period of intense flood fighting. He did not heal wounds, they were discharged early, for more than 20 days in a row persist in the flood and rescue reports. He night shift, take the initiative to attack each night, setting a Changsha Evening News “evening reporters duty room” column a month 23 articles the highest record. While writing a large number of positive reports, he wrote nearly a hundred critical reports in 10 years, which played a catalytic role in improving the work. Comrade Long Gangyue served as director of the Department of Public Information, in addition to compiling an annual press a million words of manuscripts, writing less than 100,000 words since the manuscript. In recent years, a total of more than 40 news works have won national and provincial awards, he wrote “Last night this morning: the party secretary at the scene of the rescue” and a series of in-depth coverage of "Changsha public
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