Estimation of the lattice heat capacity of rare-earth compounds

来源 :Acta Chimica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyu198995
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On the basis of the experimental data reported in literature, the contributions of cationmass (m) and molar volume (V) to lattice heat capacity (C) were analyzed. The volumetric-mass formula,C_x=(1-f)·C_1+f·C_2+Cm·(m_x-m_x’), was presented for estimating the heat capacities of rare-earthcompounds. In the formula C_1 and C_2 represent the lattice heat capacities of two reference sub-stances respectively, f=V_x-V_1/V_2-V_1 and Cm represents the lattice heat capacity variation withthe variation 1 g of cation mass. The equation relating the Cm with temperatures was derived as fol-lows: Cm=0.084 e~(-0.0074T)-0.27 e~(-0.065T), and m_x and m_x’ (=(1-f) m_1+f m_2) represent thepractical and “assumed” cation masses of the substance in question respectively. On the basis of the experimental data reported in literature, the contributions of cation mass (m) and molar volume (V) to lattice heat capacity (C) were analyzed. The volumetric- mass formula, C_x = (1- f) f · C_2 + Cm · (m_x-m_x ’) was presented for estimating the heat capacities of rare-earth compounds. In the formulas C_1 and C_2 represent the lattice heat capacities of two reference sub-stances respectively, f = V_x-V_1 / V_2-V_1 and Cm represent the lattice heat capacity variation with the variation 1 g of cation mass. The equation relating the Cm with temperatures was derived as fol-lows: Cm = 0.084 e ~ (-0.0074T) -0.27 e ~ (-0.065 T), and m_x and m_x ’(= (1-f) m_1 + f m_2) represent the practical and “assumed ” cation masses of the substance in question respectively.
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