星日生辉 和谐水族——访广东日生集团有限公司董事长邓培星

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他是一名企业家,他掌舵广东日生集团十七年,将“水族产品中国制造”带到全球70个国家和地区;他在中国水族界,创造了诸多第一:全球第一个水族企业冠名运动员登上奥运会冠军领奖台,第一个成立集团公司,第一个通过ISO9002认证,第一个获得国家级和省级高新技术企业称号,第一个获得省级水族行业工程研发中心,第一个水族箱国家标准制定企业称号;他高瞻远瞩,放眼全球,当其他企业还在打拼国内市场时,他已将产品卖到了代表全球水族最高技术的德国和日本。他也是一名慈善家,兼任中华慈善总会荣誉副会长和永久理事,以及深圳市龙岗区慈善会荣誉副会长,获得中华慈善事业突出贡献奖,并被授予“中华慈善人物”称号;他紧握弱势群体的温情之手,将集团拍摄的中国第一部慈善、公益、艾滋孤儿题材的音乐故事电影《星光灿烂》的580万版权费,捐赠给中华慈善总会,用以发展全国艾滋孤儿救助专项基金。他的企业在他的英明带领下,星日生辉!他就是广东日生集团有限公司的董事长——邓培星。 He is an entrepreneur who took the helm of Guangdong Sunrise Group for 17 years and brought “Aquarium Made in China” to 70 countries and regions in the world; he has created many firsts in China’s aquarium industry: the first in the world Aqua titling athletes boarded the Olympic champion podium, the first set up a group company, the first through the ISO9002 certification, the first state-level and provincial-level high-tech enterprise title, the first access to the provincial aquarium industry project R & D center, the first aquarium national standard-setting enterprise title; he foresight, looking global, when other companies are still working hard in the domestic market, he has sold the product on behalf of the highest global aquarium technology in Germany and Japan. He is also a philanthropist, concurrently honorary vice president and permanent director of China Charity Federation, honorary vice chairman of Charity Association of Longgang District, Shenzhen. He was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award of China Philanthropy and was awarded the title of “China Charity Person” He took the tender hand of the disadvantaged groups and donated to the China Charity Federation a total of 5.8 million copyright royalties of the first star movie of charity, charity or AIDS orphaned by the group Development of national AIDS orphans special fund. His business led by his brilliant, brilliant day! He is the chairman of Guangdong Nisshin Group Co., Ltd. - Deng Peixing.
中考题是这样的:  —May I help you with some trousers, sir?  —Yes,try on those blue ones.  A. I’d like to B. I’d like  C. I want D. I like to  该题的正确答案是A,这是一道考察购物的考题。那么购物的英语如何表达呢?  1.顾客光临时,售货员主动热情的询问语  Can/May
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