【美国《核新闻》2000年9月刊报道】 美国核管会(NRC)已对其于1979年发表的有关受NRC监管的医用放射性物质的政策声明进行了修订,修订后的政策侧重于会对患者和工作人员造成较大风险的过程,而相应地对风险较小的过程给予较少的关注。 修订后的医疗政策包含以下声明: “必要时N
[US Nuclear News reported in September 2000] The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has revised its policy statement on NRC-regulated medical radioactive material published in 1979. The revised policy focuses on Patients and staff are at a greater risk, with correspondingly less attention given to less risky processes. The revised medical policy includes the following statement: "If necessary