
来源 :浙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiminis
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前言近几年来,特别是大跃进以来,各地发展的新桑园中,絕大部分都是草桑。草桑能满足发展速度快、数量大、生長势强的要求,所以在新区大規模发展新桑园过程中,曾起到积极的作用。但是草桑叶片小而薄,花果多,产叶量低,采叶及整枝等作业均很費工,給蚕桑生产带来不少的困难,因此,改造草桑,嫁接良种,就成目前蚕桑生产中的一項重要工作。关于草桑嫁接良种,杭嘉湖老蚕区的农民有很丰富的經驗,他們主要用抱娘接方法进行嫁接,效果良好,但手續較繁,不适宜大面积采用。金华县湖鎮公社丁新生产队近年来采用根接法(德淸一带叫蒲泥接)大面积改造草桑,取得了很大的成績。三年来,全队嫁接草桑22万株,成活率一般在70%以上,而且嫁接成活的湖桑生長良好,产量迅速提高。群众一致 Foreword In recent years, especially since the Great Leap Forward, the vast majority of the new mulberry fields developed throughout are grass mulberry. Grass Sang can meet the requirements of rapid development, large quantity and strong growth potential. Therefore, it has played an active role in the large-scale development of new mulberry fields in the new area. However, grass mulberry leaves small and thin, flowers and more, low leaf yield, leaf and pruning and other operations are very laborious, to silkworm mulberry production has brought many difficulties, therefore, the transformation of grass mulberry, grafting, it becomes Sericulture production of an important work. About grass mulberry grafted varieties, farmers of Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Laoba area have a wealth of experience, they are mainly grafted with the method of hugged mother, the effect is good, but the procedure is complicated, not suitable for large area adoption. Jinhua County, Lake Township commune Ding new production team in recent years using the root connection method (Taku area called Pu mud then) large-scale transformation grass mulberry, and achieved great success. In the past three years, the team has grafted 220,000 grass mulberry plants and the survival rate is generally above 70%. And the surviving mulberry tree grows well and its output rapidly increases. Consistent with the masses
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