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那件黑裙顶多只有四号。银幕上梦露一身肉,但真实尺寸如她小小心灵,一点点大……那时,才知香消玉殒的意思。著名女演员林黛辞世那年,我正在《明报》任见习记者,到她居所采访,主人家龙氏大方招待,让我进入卧室,打开衣柜,看她的行头。她的衣柜十分特别,像抽屉般整行拉出,只见上边密密麻麻挂着五彩缤纷的旗袍,每件式样都差不多,至少百来件。最奇特处是尺寸极小,当时体重只有一百磅的我心想:肯定穿不下,林黛在银幕上相当丰硕,珠圆玉润,真猜不到衣服才那 That black dress at most only the fourth. Monroe on the screen a meat, but the real size, such as her little soul, a little big ... ... At that time, I learned that the meaning of incense Xiaoyu jade. The famous actress Lin Dai’s death that year, I was “Ming Pao” any trainee reporter, to her home interview, the host Longsheng hospitality, let me into the bedroom, open the closet and watch her head. Her wardrobe is very special, like a drawer out across the entire line, I saw a dense colorful hanging above the cheongsam, each style is similar, at least a hundred pieces. The most peculiar place is the size is very small, when the weight is only one hundred pounds I thought: certainly wear no less, Lin Dai quite rich on the screen, beads Yu Yun, I can not guess the clothes
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目的评价一期膀胱粘膜和阴囊隔岛状皮瓣在尿道下裂修复术中的优缺点。方法 131例尿道下裂病例中 ,初次手术组 10 8例 ,采用阴囊隔岛状皮瓣尿道成形术 37例 ,膀胱粘膜尿道成形