
来源 :广播与电视技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cicihaicic
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1991年7月22日至25日,由广播电影电视部科技司和广播电影电视部科技情报研究所在北京联合召开了“全国有线电视网络技术体制研讨会”。出席会议的有广播电影电视部地方司、科研所、设计院、音像处、标准规划研究所,部分省、市广播电视厅、局,机电部通产司和有关工厂等单位主管有线电视工作的领导和技术专家共40余人。会上有18位专家作了专题发言。科技司 From July 22 to July 25, 1991, the “National Cable TV Network Technology Symposium” was jointly held by the Science and Technology Department of Radio, Film and Television Department and the Science and Information Institute of Radio, Film and Television Department in Beijing. Those attending the meeting were cable TV directors from local departments of radio, film and television department, scientific research institutes, design institutes, audiovisual divisions, standard planning institutes, radio and TV stations of some provinces and cities, bureaus and departments of MII and related factories A total of more than 40 leaders and technical experts. At the meeting, 18 experts made special presentations. Technology Division