目的通过临床分析57例小儿尿路感染,探讨小儿尿路感染临床特点。方法现将新疆生产建设兵团农一师医院1995-2005年收治的小儿尿路感染57例为对象,分析其就诊时各异的临床表现,根据尿培养和药物敏感试验,探讨小儿尿路感染中不典型的表现。结果在57例小儿尿路感染中,以膀胱刺激症为主要症状的有21例,而以发热、呕吐、腹泻、黄疸等为主要症状的有36例,表明其婴幼儿发病较为隐袭,如用抗生素治疗后则对于及时诊断更为困难。结论 (1)小儿尿路感染临床表现轻重不一,且常不典型,对尿常规阴性,临床表现又不能除外的患儿,须反复检查尿培养。(2)临床上对不明原因的发热患儿应重视检查尿液,避免误诊、漏诊。
Objective To analyze the clinical features of pediatric urinary tract infection by analyzing 57 pediatric urinary tract infections. Methods 57 cases of pediatric urinary tract infection admitted to Nong Yishi Hospital of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps from 1995 to 2005 were analyzed and their clinical manifestations were analyzed. According to urine culture and drug sensitivity test, Atypical performance. Results In 57 pediatric urinary tract infections, bladder irritation was the main symptom in 21 cases, while fever, vomiting, diarrhea and jaundice were the main symptoms in 36 cases, indicating that their infants and young children were more insidious, such as After treatment with antibiotics is more difficult for timely diagnosis. Conclusions (1) The clinical manifestations of urinary tract infection in children vary in severity, and are often not typical. Urine culture should be checked repeatedly in children with negative urinalysis and clinical manifestations. (2) clinically for children with unexplained fever should pay attention to check the urine, to avoid misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis.