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党的第八届全国代表大会第二次会議确定了鼓足干勁、力爭上游、多快好省地建設社会主义的总路綫。总路綫的灯塔照耀着全国人民的一切工作。現在,全国各項工作都处在躍进高潮中,全国人民都在社会主义建設总路綫的指导下而努力奋斗,毫無疑問,档案工作者也必須为实現总路綫服务,也要在鼓足干勁、力爭上游、多快好省地建設社会主义的总路線指引下前进! 在社会主义全面大躍进的时代,一切工作都应当按照多快好省的方針去做,档案工作管的是历史資料,它在这方面能有什么作用呢?無数的事实証明,如果利用档案资料,就能够使我們的工作做得多快好省。一九五五年的肃反斗爭,我們曾經利用了大批的档案材料揭露了許多暗藏的反革命分子和对人民政权隱瞞 The second meeting of the Eighth National People’s Congress of the Party has determined the general line of building socialism so that it will work hard and strive to reach the upper reaches and build a more efficient, economical and economical way. The lighthouse of the general route shines on all the work of the people throughout the country. At present, all the work in the country is at a climax of leaps and the people across the country work hard under the guidance of the general line for the construction of socialism. There is no doubt that archivists must also serve the general line and also need to drum We must work hard and strive to make the upper reaches more efficient, more economical and more economical under the guidance of the general line of building socialism. In the era of an all-round great leap forward in socialism, all work should be done in accordance with the principle of " What does it do in this regard, historical data? Numerous facts have proved that using archival materials can make our job much easier and faster. In the anti-revolutionary struggle of 1955, we have used a large amount of archival materials to expose many hidden counterrevolutionaries and conceal the power of the people
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1小组概况北京铁路局保定工务段飞龙攻坚QC小组概况见表1。 1 group profile Beijing Railway Bureau Baoding work section dragon tackling QC group profile in Table 1.